Treatment Update
28 March 2015Hi Everyone, I just want to post an update to ensure full clarity on what's happening with the raised funds. At this point I have an application in with the MS treatment commitee for approval to start the MS drug Copaxone, The doctor was 50/50 on whether they would approve without the second MRI so waiting to hear on that. They meet every 2 weeks. If they approve the treatment without the second MRI I will be talking to you guys about the funds, if people are not happy for them to go towards other facets of treatment I will arrange refunds, otherwise I may look at investing in a replacement fridge as our small fridge has the fridge at the bottom and is very small, with Copaxone I will be recieving injections which need to be refridgerated and I want them to be out of reach of my kids. But thats getting ahead of ourselves anyway. Just wanted to ensure everyone knew where we are at and that I am committed to ensuring the raised funds get used as intended. Thanks, Nick