We're a community group in Nuhaka. We want to help our marae and language school who both got flooded.
Nūhaka, Hawke's Bay
Help Save the Wairoa Māori Film Festival!
Thank you to our supporters who created this page who couldn't contact us but knew we were putting kai together to donate. Here are updates:
- Kahungunu Marae (home of our festival) was flooded but not badly. Our dining hall had water throughout but is been cleaned out.
- Ataarangi Maori Language school in Wairoa is devastated. We were in the process of moving our gears into our new office there, but they were flooded. Fortunately our new digitiser from Nga Taonga is okay.
- Our garage full of DVDs was flooded, 18 years of festival archive. Fortunately these can be saved so we are washing and cleaning them all now!
All funds donated to this campaign will go to Kahungunu Marae, Ataarangi Wairoa and Project Rangatahi in their recovery. Thank you for your help!
Sadly our villages were impacted by cyclone Gabrielle and our communities will have a big cleanup to do over the next few weeks.
We're a grassroots organization based in Wairoa. We run an annual event here called the Wairoa Māori film festival. This will be our festival's 18th year thanks to the support of our local kuia, kaumātua, whanau and marae. They are the communities we want to support through this ‘give-a-little’ page.
If you’re one of the many thousands of visitors who visited our festival, here’s a chance to give back to our community. Thank you for supporting our efforts to rebuild Nuhaka and Mahia.
Our sincere gratitude,
the Wairoa festival team
Funds will be passed to Kahungunu Marae to support their relief effort and disburse to the community as they decide (including Te Ataarangi and Wairoa Māori Film Festival).