The Osteopathic Children's Foundation Centre for Children

$11,355 of $40,000 goal
Given by 59 generous donors in 2 years

We want more children to be healthier by having access to free osteopathy and all the benefits it can provide.


The Foundation

The Osteopathic Children’s Foundation Charitable Trust (“OCF”) has been set up by a passionate group of people who want more children to have access to osteopathy in New Zealand. Cost is one of the key impediments to children having access to osteopathy and OCF’s great ambition is to overcome this obstacle. Our key focus is:

- To provide free osteopathic services for children;

- to fund research, teaching, fellowship support and other educational activities for the purpose of promoting and improving (free) osteopathic and other ancillary or complementary health services for children;

- to purchase equipment and other services or products for hospitals and other healthcare organisations charged with the delivery of free osteopathic health services for children.

Why are we doing this?

Why are we doing this? Because every child deserves better health and osteopathy helps children in so many ways. The idea that children are young and flexible and don’t have musculoskeletal imbalances in their body is a myth. In virtually every condition there is a mechanical component which contributes, either as a cause or a consequence, to physical and physiological problems. Osteopathy is the science of identifying these factors and assisting the body in adjusting to them. It is not an alternative to medical treatment, it can be complementary to the mainstream healthcare approach. Osteopathy is holistic, gentle and safe.​

What are we up to?

Our first project is to mobilise a group of experienced practitioners and run a monthly koha clinic for the community based at a marae in Hamilton East. We aim to serve lower socio-economic groups through this health centre.

We are raising money to supply equipment and services to make this the best possible healthcare for the children including tables, examination equipment and toys. The osteopaths and board are donating their time for free.

About us

Every child deserves better health.

Use of funds

The money raised will go to setting up a centre where children can access free world class osteopathic healthcare. Osteopaths will be giving their time for free.

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Latest update

What a year!  31 March 2020

Sadly we are having to postpone or services at present due to the Global Covid19 crisis and New Zealands Alert Level 4 status.

We will be opening as soon as is safe and hope to help as many children as possible become healthier and function better.

We very grateful for the funding we have had to date. It has meant that we have been able to treat almost 600 children in our monthly clinic, at Rainbow Place (Hospice Waikato) and at the hospital.

Please help us to be able to see that more children get the better health they deserve.

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Latest donations

Maree on 13 Oct 2020
Amazing New Zealanders
Caroline on 06 Oct 2020
Thank you for the talk organised with Felicity. You are very generous! Cheers, caroline collins
Glenn on 04 Oct 2020
Felicity on 30 Sep 2020
Love what this organisation offers and thank you to all those donating their valuable time and energy and expertise.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 May 2019

Who's involved?

The Osteopathic Children’s Foundation Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Osteopathic Children’s Foundation Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 8 Jun 2018 and ended on 31 Mar 2021.