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Onyx our fighter

  • Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou ❤️

      14 November 2023

    Hey everyone, we have changed the end date for donations due to having to euthanise our poor baby - Onyx. The page was originally set up for longer hoping we would be able to save our little man’s life and all contributions were going towards his care. It will now close on the last day of this month. Though we have now had to say goodbye the money will still be used towards the $4900 vet bill and if there is any extra towards an urn. We’d like to personally thank every single one of the kind hearted people who have donated, sent lovely messages and just for the overwhelming support we have received. Unfortunately we have not been able to find the dogs responsible for this yet or the owners who have caused this. But rangers are on very high alert and we hold onto hope we will find them and get justice for our boy. My words could never express the gratitude we have for you all. We just hope our baby is free and out of pain now.

    Rest easy fats ❤️

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  • Rest in love our boy ❤️

      1 November 2023
    Main image

    Hey Everyone.

    For all those asking for an update on our boy - Onyx. It is with the heaviest of hearts we as a family have had to make the call tonight to put him out of his pain. Onyx had suffered severe trauma, severe injuries with one of his punctures being 4cm deep and understandably hadn’t eaten or gone to the toilet since the attack. He was a fighter and has left a huge whole in our hearts. Onyx helped me through a lot and was my emotional support cat for many years.

    Due to someone’s extremely poor, disgusting ownership of these dogs our family is not only left with immense heartbreak but also a $4900 debt. I have set up a give a little page for anyone who is in the position and would like to donate to help take some of this pressure off my mum. Any donation is extremely appreciated and we Thankyou as a family so very much. Also a huge Thankyou to all those who have shared the post and left supportive comments, we have read each and everyone of them and are overwhelmed with kindness.

    Rest in Love our big boy! Until we meet again ❤️

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