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Orewa College Maths teacher Ms Goulter needs your help to help fund her cancer treatment

  • Anne is back teaching

      5 April 2024
    Main image

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed, shared the Give-A-Little or had Anne in their thoughts/prayers these last two months.

    Anne now has a new normal where she travels to Australia every Sunday and returns to Auckland 24 hours later after her infusion. Hopefully in a month's time Anne will see the benefits of these infusions when she has her next MRI to measure the tumours.

    Anne is enjoying being back at school and having some normality surrounded by colleagues and students. Students all talk about Anne being a role model who isn't giving up and always has a smile on her face. She is a true inspiration.

    The treatment and costs will be on-going, so any further donations and prayers will be truly appreciated.

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  • Update of Anne's journey

      10 March 2024

    Dear family and friends

    Anne has now been in Sydney for 3 weeks where she has had three Immunotherapy infusions, and will have her fourth this Monday. The explained side effects have happened in varying degrees at each infusion. The latest infusion was over double the second dose and the side effects were more challenging. Thankfully, it has been suggested the side effects from now on will be less severe. All going well, Anne will return home to NZ on Tuesday where she will be able to watch Anthony compete in the Hammer Throw at the NZ Track and Field Championships.

    Anne wants to keep the everyday as normal as possible, so she will commute to Sydney on a weekly basis. This will mean flying Sunday and returning Monday evening. We have pre booked flights until the end of June. If this is not sustainable, we will need to re access.

    Anne will have an MRI scan in six to eight weeks. At this time we will have an idea of how her treatment is going. Anne remains very positive that this immunotherapy treatment is the best available for her prognosis, and that the tumours will shrink and future infusions will keep them at bay.

    Anne thanks you all for the love, your support and your prayers. She is humbled and very overwhelmed. Paul, Isabella and Anthony sincerely thank you for supporting Anne on this journey.

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    • 11/03/2024 by Linda

      Good to get a detailed update. Will be praying the cross tasman exercise will be highly manageable and side effects continue to decrease. Keep up the good work.

  • Message from Paul (Annie's husband)

      24 February 2024

    As a family we are humbled and overwhelmed at the level of love, support, and prayers from so many of you that Anne has had the pleasure of knowing one way or another over many years. I don’t believe any one of you will be surprised that you all have similar stories of Anne. She is loved by all who have come in contact with her, from the many various groups and places, over many years.

    Annie who has always had pleasure and joy in giving. She will now have to learn to receive with grace. She is truly humbled.

    To our beautiful children Isabella and Anthony:

    This is a testament to how beautiful and loved your mum is and how she has impacted on many people, from many walks of life, over many years.

    Values + Integrity = love + respect.

    To Kris and Paul Tucker, colleagues and great friends of Anne’s:

    From the bottom our hearts thank you for your love and support to put this together. To reach so many of Anne’s friends from near and far with her situation, and that they are able to join, support, and walk beside her, to make the journey more comfortable, is truly a blessing.

    From Paul her husband, she is “Annie”:

    My rock, the love of my life. I am truly the lucky one, who has had such pleasure in sharing my life with her and I know we will do so for years to come.

    We are blessed with the best family and friends. With you by our side, and with “divine intervention” we are remaining positive for the best outcome.

    Much love to you all, and again our sincere thanks.

    Barmes Family

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