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Help the Hill family grieve Otis

  • 5 months on without Otis

      16 July 2024
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    It’s been 5 months and 4 days since Otis gained his wings. Tyson is back at work and Rachel will stay home for a little while longer. They feel it’s important that she is there for Isa before and after school. There will be a tribute article in Woman Days soon and the journalist has asked that they add the link to this givealittle. Kindly there are still people wanting to donate to the family while they navigate life without their son. By no means do they expect anything and were in two minds about keeping this open. So we will keep the page open until Otis birthday in September where he would’ve been 18.

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  • Continuing with Otis Bucket List

      29 April 2024
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    As some of you will remember we had planned a trip to the upper north island with Otis as he wanted to see Tane Mahuta, Cape Reinga, The treaty grounds and many other local attractions. Otis loved history so this trip was organised when he could no longer travel overseas.

    So last week we flew to Auckland and travelled by car to Leigh, Whagarei to stay with our good friends in Parua Bay, then Kerikeri, Paihia, then Nagtaki we took Otis ashes with us to each place that he wanted to visit. It was such a spiritual moment for the 3 of us and we fell in love with Hokianga the most. Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible. With much Love the Hill family

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  • OtisFest 2024

      26 March 2024
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    San Fran (a bar in wellington) that Otis and his band use to play has offered to hold an Otis tribute concert. All staff have given their time for free, venue hire has been waived and all bands are playing for free. 2 of Otis favourite bands are even travelling from Auckland and Christchurch to honour Otis and play. this will become an annual even with all proceeds going to charity from next year.

    We would love it if you can make it or share this post so that you or friends can buy a ticket and if you can’t make it there is also an option to donate your ticket price on the website

    The lead singer of Bleeding Star is Otis best friend. Jude was a big part of Otis life before they even played in band together. He has worked hard on organising this. It’s his and other local musicians way of showing their love for him.

    This will be a special night with great bands and atmosphere. We all love Otis and want everyone to come and celebrate him doing what he loved, making Music!

    Link for tickets below

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  • Taking time to grieve

      3 March 2024
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    Message from Otis parents.

    After the passing of our darling son. They are finding it very hard to face life without him and have spent the last 2 years in fight mode and now their bodies and minds need healing.

    This page was originally setup as financial help while they were in Christchurch for treatment and then it change when there was hope of surgery which cost $300,000+. They then found a surgeon in NZ but Otis cancer had progressed to a point where the surgery was denied here. After that the fund then went back to living costs, medical costs, Alternate medicine, private scans, visits to private doctors, overseas testing, and then immunotherapy. Then Otis was told that that nothing was working so it then became about ticking off his bucket list. They pressed his band album to vinyl, took a family holiday to Queenstown with his best friends. The last of the funds were used for his funeral so now we are asking people to help them take some time off from work to grieve and take the financial pressure away so that they can without stress. Rachel has surgery coming up that she has put off for a year and will need to time to recover from that aswell. They want to thank everyone for your constant support over the last 2 years. Your message and donations have gone a long way and made Otis’ and their lives more bearable during the most stressful time of their lives.

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  • An update from the Hill Family

      28 February 2024
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    Rachel and Tyson would like to share this message with you:

    As some of you may be aware, Our Otis Otto Michael Hill passed away peacefully with his parents by his side on the 12th of February 2024.

    Beautiful Otis fought till the very end and never let his cancer beat him. He lived each day to the fullest and even days before his passing he was optimistic about beating his cancer. In our eyes and hearts he has beaten cancer.

    In his short 17 years on this earth, Otis achieved so much and touched so many lives. It gives us some peace to know that his brave journey might have helped others to face their own battles with cancer, and in life.

    We are so very grateful for all of the love and support that we have received over the past two years. It has meant so much to us.

    Note from admin:

    Rachel, Tyson and Isa are taking time right now to grieve as a family. This is an incredibly difficult time and all of your kind words, donations and acts of kindness are truly appreciated as they try to navigate life without their precious Otis. Thank you!

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  • There are no words to describe this young man’s fight!

      9 February 2024
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    An update from mum and dad x

    Day 13 at Hospice and Otis is still defying all odds. He was sedated a week ago and we all gathered around to tell him how much we love him. Doctors said that most people fall into a deep sleep and eventually their cancer will take them. 6 hours of solid sleep he starts to stir, wakes up and says he's thirsty and then says "why is everyone still crying" Last night he became very agitated and restless so his sedation has been increased to the maximum. Our son is incredible and this cancer will never beat his spirit or mind it will however beat his body but not without a fight.

    From me (Jodie). Not only is Otis still fighting this with everything he has, so are is family. They have not left his side. They have not lost hope or their faith regardless.

    The pain they’re are enduring is beyond words - beyond comprehension. No parent should ever be in this position.

    Rachel and Tyson wanted to update you all. They will never forget the generosity, the prayers and love you have all given out of the goodness of your hearts - neither will Otis.

    Please pray for strength and love throughout this time for all of the family - these are some of the hardest days and what’s to follow. Very grateful to you all - on behalf of the Hill family,

    Jodie x

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  • Where we are at….

      5 December 2023
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Hi friends and family, Otis is now under daily Hospice care with Te Omanga. Otis has fought his cancer for 22 months. He's amazing and is so fiercely independent. Hes on round the clock meds with both Tyson and I administering pain meds via his drip. One of his pain killers cost $50 a vile plus we will need a nurse at night to help with raround the clock care. He's also still taking alternative meds that cost hundreds of week too. This is give us more time and also help ease some of the pain that his tumours in his stomach are causing. Massage for his swollen legs etc. We've had to use most of the funds raised so far over the last almost 2 years for surgeon appts, alternative meds, his bucket list holidays. So this last push is to make his his few days, weeks and hopefully months more comfortable.

    Thank you again to everyone who has so generously given their support, love and prayers, we appreciate you all x

    Rach, Tyson and family

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  • Update

      26 September 2023
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Today Otis is having his first scan since he started the new immunotherapy program. We are hoping it has worked and stopped further growth so we can have more time for him complete all his goals he’s set.

    So far his band have played at the NZ RockQuest finals and came 2nd (in the country)

    He’s seen Queenstown in winter and did many activities with his two best friends.

    They’ve recorded and pressed a new album onto vinyl. All of this has been possible because of your generous donations.

    Otis continues to live in daily pain but he continues to smile and although he’s been given a time, he simply refuses to give up. Next on his bucket list (hate this term) is travel the upper North Island in a camper and if we’re lucky he’d love to see some of Europe.

    Lastly, if any of you would like to see his band and meet Otis. They have an album release party/Gig at San Francisco Bath house this Sunday. You can get tickets at Mostix website.

    I’ll update you all once we have his latest scan results back next week.

    Forever hopeful, always faithful

    Hill- Rasch Family

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  • Update and re-opening page

      4 August 2023
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn

    Our last post we told you about Otis' relapse and all his tumours coming back. Chemo is stopped. We asked Otis if we could share this and he has given us his permission. We've been told that if the immunotherapy doesn't work and his tumours continue to grow at the rate they are then he only has a few months. Otis hasn't given up though and is living his best life 😊 His band 'Bleeding Star' have made it the NZ Smoke Free Rock Quest in Auckland in Sep and he continues to play gigs weekly. Any further money raised will be used to do all the things that Otis wants to do. His first wish was to see Queenstown in the winter with his two best friends, we leave on Monday the 7th for 5 days. He wants to travel to the far North in a Camper Van so he can lie down whenever he gets weak or tired. He wants to get his bands album released on vinyl, He wants to go Samoa to spend time on his ancestral land (short flights like this may be possible).

    Most importantly, Otis wants to have a biopsy done that we've been fighting the public system for 12 months. the biopsy will be sent overseas testing and Otis has said that even if it doesn't do any good for him it might help someone else in the future unlucky enough to get DSRCT. The money will be used to go private for the biospy if the Wellington DHB deny it.

    I've never wanted to use this term but we are now doing Otis bucket list. Always hopeful and forever faithful xxx Rachel, Tyson, Otis and Isa

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  • No more chemo

      25 July 2023
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Two weeks ago we have had the terrible news that all of Otis tumours have grown back and are aggressive. This means chemo is no longer working so has stopped. We are devastated and needed the last two weeks to process the news as a family. Otis now wants to do some things that he’s always wanted to do. He’s always wanted to see the pyramids and walk Abbey Rd but unfortunately his body wouldn’t allow a long flight. So he wants to see Queenstown in the winter, travel to the Upper North Island and spend as much time with his friends and family. His bad continues to be busy with gigs every week and now they may have made the finals for the NZ RockQuest which will see them travel to Auckland in early September.

    We want to thank everyone for all your support and if it wasn’t for your generous donations we wouldn’t have gotten through the last 18 months. Otis continues to be our guide in all of this. He still remains hopeful that a miracle may happen but he’s also a realist and knows what could very well happen. We will leave this page open for updates and donations and if you’d still like to fund his little trips around NZ. We also have had to stop taking on more business as we are concentrating on spending some quality time with Otis and his sister. Always hopeful and forever faithful xx Rachel

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  • Emergency Scan Results

      16 May 2023
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Hi it’s Rachel here, Otis's mother

    Firstly thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the generous donations. I want to be completely transparent and let you know where this money had been spent and will continue to be spent.

    Otis has been battling this beastly cancer now for 14 months. We are grateful for everyday as we were only given 3 months back in Feb 2022.

    Without your donations we wouldn’t have been able to take time off from our jobs to be with him in hospitals for weeks on end. It has gone towards scans for private hospitals, visits to private surgeons, Genomic testing overseas for drug trials, alternative treatments and medicine and general day to day living.

    I understand that everyone is struggling as the cost of living increases so we only ask that you share the page and give what you can.

    Okay…… 10 days ago Otis started to have some nasty Lower back pain with the constant need to pee but then not being able to go fully. We met with his oncologist who gave him an external examination. She found significant growth so ordered an emergency scan. We got the result’s on Friday and unfortunately all of them have grown back with one so big that its now blocking the two tubes that feed urine from his kidneys to her bladder. She (oncologist) has stopped his chemo as it’s obviously not working and we’re waiting for a surgery time where they’ll insert two stents into these tubes to help the flow.

    Our only hope now is to have this surgery and then find another chemo drug that he hasn’t already had and hope for a clinical trial. But until the kidneys are functioning properly he can’t start anything yet. These new drugs will come at cost that we’re not sure of yet. We started a small business that we were suppose to launch the week Otis was diagnosed and this has been ticking along nicely but now with the latest news we are only just doing what we can when we can.

    Otis oncologist asked him on Friday if he was ready to have a chat to the end of life team. His reply was “Ummmmmm thank you, but I’m not ready to die yet” this as a parent was heart breaking to hear but our boy is a fighter and we’ll fight for his life for however long he is willing.

    Always hopeful and forever faithful xx Rachel

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  • Update!

      16 April 2023
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn

    Update: Otis last chemo didn't do a very good job and unfortunately he's had growth in rumours that had previously Shrunk. Good news is that there were no new ones.

    He is now in his 2nd cycle of a new oral chemo which he takes at home and will be taking a new drug called Sunitinib this drug tackles the pathways that cancer uses to make its own blood supply.

    Unfortunately this is not funded and is whooping $1500 per month. There is also a few drug trials that Otis has been denied funding for so we may have to pay for one. As most of you will know it can cost thousands.

    We still have the option of surgery in Hamilton through a private surgeon if tumours shrink enough at the cost of approx $150,000. We thankfully have enough for this but it's the new drugs that we'll struggle with.

    We have started a new business called Altitude Gutter Services to help towards our growing medical bills. So please check our business pages out on Insta and Facebook and share it around to your friends and family in the Wellington Region. Much love and thanks for your continued support xx

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  • Update from Rach and Tys

      2 December 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Hello family and friends. As some of you may know, Otis was booked in for HIPEC surgery this weekend in Hamilton. Unfortunately the PET scan done by his surgeon showed some activity on previously dormant tumours outside of his abdomen. We understood that this was likely to happen as Otis cancer is a beast and very aggressive. So it wasn’t such a shock but we were still gutted.

    He had stopped all treatment in September so within 2.5 months 3 more tumours have ’woken up’ (oncologist words) not fully back but active.

    What next? Otis will now be doing 2 months of a new chemo protocol. He won’t have to do any hospital stays just goes in for an hour once a week and will take chemo pills at home 7 days a week.

    After the 2 months he’ll have another scan and if its all under control we can go for surgery straight away. No waiting around for the DHB to deny the surgery or withholding referrals. Because we now have a private surgeon in Hamilton ready and waiting. We remain positive especially Otis. He’ll spend his summer playing gigs with his Band ‘Bleeding Star’ and they’ve just spend this week at Sandbox Studios recording their very first Album. So this kid is living is best life. Always faithful and forever hopeful. God is Good!

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  • Update

      17 November 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Hello friends, family and Otis supporters. We did it!!!!

    After our media coverage we managed to get a referral from Otis oncologist to a private surgeon in Waikato that does the surgery Otis needs (HIPEC). This is still not covered by the DHB but fortunately with the fundraising we are able to cover most of the costs which can change depending on how the surgery goes. We thank every single one of you that has donated to the givealittle and who has sent kind messages, prayers and good vibes. The surgery is on December 3rd at Breamar Hospital. Otis will be in hospital for 14 days + so we’ll be there as a family. But hopefully back in time for Christmas. Otis is very excited about this surgery and we’re just so thankful it can happen here in NZ. Here’s a pic taken today in Arrowtown. We’ve been a given great family holiday from Childcancer. Otis has loved all the adrenaline activities and making the most of his free time before recovering from his massive surgery.

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  • “Thank You”

      6 November 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Hi everyone, we just want to thank everyone for your support and generosity. It's truly humbling to see the donations coming through, and if I could, I would be thanking each and everyone of you personally. We are getting close to half way to our goal. It's a big goal so I ask if you can please share the Givealittle on all your socials too please. Many thanks Rachel, Tyson and Otis x

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  • A “Push” please!

      1 November 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Here is the latest update from Rachel and Tyson x Please can you share this Givealittle page to your networks too! Thank you.

    Update: we have been denied surgery here in New Zealand because they’re saying they don’t think it’ll be life saving because the surgery will only remove the tumours In Otis abdomen and the dormant ones in his chest might come back. Might??? We want to take the chance as it MIGHT not come back so let’s just get what we can out right? What parent wouldn’t take that chance?

    Luckily enough some experienced surgeons in Sydney are willing to do the surgery after seeing Otis last scans. But this comes at a cost which we have to pay in full in advance.

    The cost to save our sons life is $283,000 and that’s just his hospital stay. We will still have to pay for our flights, insurance, accomodation for 2 months as he’ll be in hospital for 35 days and then will need to recover before flying home. And of course keep our home in NZ. So we’re asking for one last push towards of givealittle page. Please share share share. We’ll try for funding through the ministry of health but our oncologist isn’t being overly helpful and we would t know where to start. So if anyone knows about this please let me know.

    The picture below is of Otis and his band in Auckland where a fan wanted to take a pic ❤️

    Please help us get to Sydney xxx we’ve got this far and we just need one more push!

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  • Looks like Otis will be going to Oz for surgery!

      13 October 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Rach and Tyson have asked me to give e you this update. Looks like Otis will be going to Australia for surgery. Read below….

    Please share if you can and thank you again to all of the generous donations, they will be able to assist in the costs for surgery and associated expenses. Jodie x

    Today we had the results of Otis Pet scan. He had as his oncologist said “too many tumours to count” to now only having two that have lit up during his PET scan.

    I’m no expert (yet) but the cancerous tumours light up red during these scans and when his oncologist showed us his pictures he had only two reds.

    We all yelped with excitement in the office 😀 this is Nothing short of a miracle and also testament to Otis unwavering faith in himself, his oncologist and in his God.

    With this particular beast of cancer they normally always come back without treatment but he’s defied the odds so far so we are counting on continuing this trend and hoping they’ll F@#K off for good.

    We now are going to toss up surgery to remove the two tumours or radiation but for now he gets to be a normal teenager for a month and enjoy this win. Thank you for all your support and prayers. We’ll update on the surgery soon. Always hopeful and always faithful xx

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  • NEXT steps update!

      6 September 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Thank you again to everyone who has so generously given! The outpouring of love, donations and prayers are not forgotten and so appreciated. Rachel and Tyson asked me to share this update with you….

    Otis journey is in this weeks woman’s day mag. As you may know we now have a surgical team from St George Hospital in SYDNEY willing to operate on Otis if his next scans are good. He has tumours that are located in his neck and some surrounding his heart and lungs. We need these gone or reduced in size for the operation to go ahead. This operation comes a hefty price of $283,000 hence the article. We’ll do whatever we have to do to get this for our boy. No fee was paid for this article.

    Thank you to everyone for your continued support and if you so t mind sharing the givealittle page that would be great. 🙂

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  • An update from mum - Rachel

      24 August 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Hello, Otis is coming to the end of his second round of chemo and doing well. We had a zoom consultation with surgeons at St Georges Hospital in Sydney last week.

    They’ve said that at this point he’s still not ready for surgery as he still has many tiny tumours outside of his abdomen that can’t be removed during surgery so not worth the risk of the 12-15 hour procedure.

    This is gut wrenching but it’s only been 6 months so Otis is happy to do another round (3 months) and after that we’ll assess again. Although we haven’t had scans for the round he’s about to finish so those scans could have the results we need. We’ve also been given the cost which is HUGE! $283,000 for Otis to have the surgery in Sydney. It’s still cheaper than the States and obviously we’d do anything and everything for him to have this surgery. Otis continues to be in good health and when he’s not in hospital he’s playing his guitar or playing gigs with his band. This is a pic of him and his best friend (frontman) Jude in their band ‘Bleeding Star’. They played a gig last Friday and it was amazing!!!

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  • 5 Days On A Drip…

      27 July 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Hi friends and family. Otis is half way through his second round of chemo. He’s still tolerating the treatment but the 5 day stays are hard for him mentally. I imagine any 15 year old would struggle with being hooked up to a drip 24/7 for 5 days. So we’re trying to find ways to keep his spirits up while there. We’re taking his guitar in, setting up friends to visit and trying our hardest to get his own room. I’ve offered to teach him backgammon but he won’t have a bar of it 😩. Scans were sent overseas and I had calls back to say that we had sent the wrong scans (major stuff up). But we have the right scans now and are sending them away today. No one’s fault just human error at the hospital. I don’t blame them they are so understaffed and working their butts off at the moment.

    This pic is of our newest family member. His name is Iggy 🥰

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  • Update from Tyson

      3 June 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Tyson Hill - “This is the face of a happy boy and his friends. We had Otis scan results and it’s great news. Otis has reacted well to the chemo and his tumours have shrunk by 50% and some have all but disappeared. We know it’s still a long road ahead with another 3 months if chemo starting next week. But we’ll take this win and run with it. Thanks for all your prayers. Always hopeful, always faithful”

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  • Update from Rachel and Tyson

      12 May 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Hello 🙂 sorry We’ve been MIA. We’re right in the midst of treatment and just keeping up With Otis chemo schedule is a job in its self. We’re on Cycle 5 which a two day stay but it’ll end up being 3 nights because he needed surgery last night to replace his Hickman line (portal in chest that his chemo goes into). Doctors have said that Otis is remarkable (I already knew this😉) because so far he’s had no sickness from the chemo. We pray this continues, I put it down to all the good vibes and prayers that are feeding his Wairua. That and my super juices with immunity booster shots that I buy from an organics store. He’ll have one more 5 day cycle on the 24th of this month and then a scan to see how the chemo has gone. Let’s hope this poison we’ve been pouring into his body has done it’s job zapped those tumours. Always hopeful, always faithful xxx

    Photo was taken before his surgery on Tuesday night. He’s not impressed with me 🤣

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  • Journey Update

      28 April 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn

    Otis is having his 4th cycle of chemo which is a 5 day stay in Wellington Hospital. He has 2 more cycles before his first scan since treatment has started. This scan will be in early June.

    Otis’ oncologist has called him “remarkable” and said "if it wasn't for his loss of hair, you wouldn't know you're having chemo". Otis still has had no symptoms of his cancer but on paper is gravely Ill, and we pray that he remains well in himself throughout the rest of his treatments and for him to be completely healed.

    His Foundation One report has finally arrived and it's now making it ways to Australia and the USA to doctors for analysis and treatment options.

    The family would again like to express their massive “thank you” to you all, who have so generously given financially and uplifting your prayers and words of love and support. This is helping more than you know! ❤️

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  • Check this out!!! 🙏 💕

      12 April 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn

    Otis’ family just got that little bit bigger! Today we received priceless gifts including this video from some amazing humans by some amazing humans plus a tube full of goodness from an outrageously talented brother.

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  • Gala Evening

      7 April 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Otis tolerated the 5 days of chemo in Wellington hospital last week so well! Next week he has another 2 days of chemo before his next break. He is loving being back at home 🏡

    Today is his little sisters 9th birthday and she is super excited to have a family dinner tonight with her nearest and dearest 💕

    Otis’s amazing extended family have organised an incredible event which will be taking place on Saturday 30th April at Scots College - Wellington.

    It is a 3 course dinner and auction as well as amazing entertainment throughout the night.

    Here is the link to the event if you or someone you know would like to attend. Or perhaps you may know someone who would like to donate an auction item for the night?

    Thank you all very much again from Rachel, Tyson, Isa and Otis for all of your love and support! ❤️

    Jodie xx

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  • Otis Update

      29 March 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Hello to you all - Otis’s team!

    Just a quick update. Otis and family are back in Wellington and home 😊 Today, Otis is embarking on a 5 day chemotherapy treatment at Wellington Hospital. We are all hoping and praying that he tolerates this long stint, like he did with the chemo treatment he has had in Christchurch. Rachel and Tyson are amazed how Otis is tackling this all with such bravery, tenacity, perseverance, and calmness. He is taking everything in his stride!

    Otis decided to have his hair shaved off entirely to take control of that before the chemo did, and boy does he look handsome! 😎

    Otis has had a test which has been taken for analysis called a ‘Foundation One’. This takes several weeks to come back, but will help determine the best treatment options for him. There is a high possibility that he will need to go overseas for this treatment, which they are willing to do. The monetary cost of this could be quite large, but until they know what the results show, the cost is unknown exactly. Due to the rarity of this particular cancer, NZ doesn’t have the same treatment options. In the meantime, we would really appreciate it if you could please share this Givealittle Page to those that may be able to contribute towards this, so that the options of treatment for Otis are not hindered by financial constraints ❤️

    Thank you so much again to all those who have given and are following Otis’s journey.

    Jodie xx

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  • Home Time!

      17 March 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
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    Well today is the day! Today Otis and his family get to come home back to Wellington from Ronald McDonald House in Christchurch! 🤗

    What a time they have had over the past 4 weeks….. they were meant to be back home by now and Otis continuing chemotherapy in Wellington, but unfortunately they all got Covid 😔.All recovered from that now, and more than ready to be back home surrounded by their support systems and their beloved dog Peggy-Sue 🐶.

    Medical update: Otis has had special tests which are underway now. These tests are checking some specific biomarkers which will determine if he is suitable for clinical trials and also better inform the Oncologists overseas who specialise in his rare cancer. These tests were very expensive and the donations allowed for this to happen.

    Friends, family and complete strangers have been so supportive to the Rash-Hill family and it is so appreciated, words can describe how much this has lifted their spirits

    There is still a very very long road ahead. Surgery has been declined due to the amount of tumours at this stage. Chemotherapy will hopefully shrink and stall their growth while another treatment is sought. It is highly possible Otis will go overseas to USA for treatment but will know more when the results are in from these specific tests.

    Please may I ask, that you share this Givealittle Page to your networks. An incredible amount has been raised, but we need a lot more to sustain living costs during this time and providing the options to groundbreaking treatment that will save Otis’s life.

    There is also a Facebook Page set up for you to ‘like’ and follow his journey, we would love you to join

    Jodie xxx

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  • Chemo - Day 1 update

      8 March 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn

    Firstly….. the donations and messages and prayers are simply mind blowing! I read every single one of the messages and so do the family! It brings such comfort, thank you all SO much! Im so sorry I haven’t thanked you all individually (and if I could, I’d give each and every one of you a massive hug 🤗) To know you all have their backs, means they can focus on Otis and fighting this together with you all behind and beside them❤️

    Today Otis had his 1st round of chemo in Christchurch Hospital. It’s been a long day for them all, but Otis tolerated it well and tells me he’s quite “bored” 😂. Tomorrow he will have another quick dose and hopefully he will feel just as good as he does today 🤞

    All going well, Otis and the family will come back to Wellington at the end of the week to continue treatment here in Wellington. It will be such a relief to be back at home with the support of family and friends around them.

    Otis’s biopsy is being sent off for more testing. This is further specific testing and the absolute “gold standard” to give further information which will help in potentially accessing more advanced treatment overseas or qualifying him for specific clinical trials. These aren’t “cheap” so every dollar given so far adds to the confidence of accessing the treatments needed to give him the best possible chance at kicking this in the butt for good! This was not a test that was offered to the family, but with guidance and knowledge from friends overseas, who know their stuff with expertise in this area, it was requested and can unlock more possibilities.

    Otis and family are surrounded by the most incredible angels far and wide, and it is testament to the amazing people they are! They feel your love and they thank you!

    Til next update, thank you and keep well.

    Jodie xx

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  • Treatment Plan

      4 March 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn

    Yesterday Otis met with the Oncologist and has been told they won’t do surgery. They are starting him on chemotherapy on Tuesday and have said that treatment will take approximately 3 months. In the meantime, other Oncologists and surgical teams are being looked at around NZ and beyond, for surgery and treatment, as well as potential clinical trials. Given the nature of this cancer, and it’s rarity (less than 200) we are using every resource to connect with teams who know this cancer.

    Meanwhile, Otis is with his most favourite people! His mum, dad, sister, nana and best friend Jude who’s down in Christchurch with him. I’m told that Otis is off to a recording studio today to record some of his music! 🤗

    Thank you again for every single donation, prayer and well wish! It is absolutely mind blowing and incredibly generous! This page is reaching people across the world and touching lives of complete strangers. If Rachel and Tyson need to take Otis to the ends of this earth to get ground breaking treatment, they will, and these donations will be imperative to get him there! Thank you ❤️🙏

    Jodie xxx

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  • Diagnosis Update

      1 March 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn

    Otis received his diagnosis today. Desmoplastic small round cell tumour. This is what his mum Rachel has told me……

    “We have been told that if the surgeons decide that surgery wouldn’t improve his chances of survival then they won’t do it. This happens on Thursday. The reason why they are undecided on surgery is because some tumours are right outside his liver and behind his collar bones. If they feel they can reach them, then they will, and then follow up with Chemo and then radiotherapy. Otis asked if the surgery is denied how long would he have to live and they answered a few months. This I refuse to believe and will be pushing for surgery”.

    Thank you so so much again for your donations, love and prayers. If Otis can have treatment here in NZ, this is going to be a long road. If he can’t, then the Rasch-Hill whanau will be looking overseas at any other options.

    We need to collectively get this page out and circulating further to raise as much as we can to provide options as well as financial relief. The family and especially Otis need to only focus on beating this cancer! Time is of the essence and due to the aggressive nature of this cancer, every dollar, prayer, outpouring of love and strength is so precious - just like Otis!

    If anyone needs to contact me, or has any other ideas on raising further funds and awareness, please do so.

    Jodie xx

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  • Todays Highs and Lows

      26 February 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn
    Main image

    Hi beautiful people!

    First of all, I want to sincerely thank you all again for giving so generously! Not for only your selfless and kind donations but also for your words of encouragement and prayers for Otis and his family.

    Each day is approached by Otis’s family with trepidation, gratitude and hope, This uncharted territory is something that most of us, can only but imagine. Hopefully this week Otis and his family will be given a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan.

    Today a major highlight was Otis’s little sister Isa was reunited with her brother and parents, brought down from Wellington by nana (Rachel’s mum Emi). I’m told that Otis and Isa are annoying each other beautifully 😂 and Emi had just a short 2 hours to give her “prince Otis” some grandmother loving, and Rachel and Tyson motherly strength, before she caught her return flight back to Wellington. Isa is staying for the week with her family, which will be so nice for them all ❤️

    Thank you for your support, thoughts, love and prayers again. We are all so blown away by everyone - whether it’s from family or friends, and even complete strangers. You are all amazing! May God bless you all. 🙏 💕

    Here’s a wee photo of Isa and Otis embracing in the Ronald McDonald kitchen. Even if they annoy each other, their love is real and deep, an unbreakable sibling bond.

    Jodie xx

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  • Todays Update

      24 February 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn

    Today Otis, Rachel and Tyson prepared themselves for the appointment with the Oncologist ready for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

    Unfortunately they got devastating news…… they have been told that Otis doesn’t have Lymphoma, they don’t know what type of cancer/tumours he has but that it has “seeded” and is Stage 4. The specialists do not know how to treat it at this point, and have sought advice and expertise from overseas Oncologists to assist in the diagnosis and treatment plan. They hopefully will know more next Wednesday.

    The positive news is Otis is “well” and not symptomatic at all. He is also being the brave and solid rock, taking everything in his stride.

    In the meantime, as you’d appreciate, their whole family are distraught and feeling very very out of their depth with all that this entails right now, and for the future.

    Rachel, Tyson, Otis, Isa and the extended family are incredibly thankful for all of your support, prayers, love and messages, it is received so graciously and humbly.

    Please continue to pray for treatment, healing and strength through these uncertain times. I will update you again when I know more. I’m the meantime, I will keep pushing this page as far and wide as I can, as the financial burden is something that this gorgeous family does not need right now.

    Jodie xxx

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      24 February 2022
    Posted by: Jodie Winterburn

    Will update you all soon, but please can I ask, that you keep the Rasch-Hill family in your prayers. They need every single one x

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