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Our little Aiden

  • Update of our little trooper

      7 August 2024
    Posted by: Peter Slade
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    Hi everyone.

    Aiden has started radiotherapy today(7/8/2024) first round was expected to take a little longer due to having to complete the set up process,

    He had had some issues with his shunt,that has cased delays in starting the process her in nz

    Unfortunately the process for Aiden to head to the USA has taken to long and we have had to forge ahead here in nz.

    At the most recent MRI it does appear to show some potential tumor regeneration, so that also is a factor in making a start here in nz for radiotherapy.

    He has healed nicely from all his surgery's and I making good ground back, he still has weakness on his right side off his face this includes his tongue so it is affecting his drinking and swallowing.

    He is fighting fit going into the next 29 treatments and we do expect he will be very tired and to see other side affects.

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  • Aiden list of treatments to date ❤️

      3 July 2024

    Head tilt noticed night of 4/6

    Vomiting started morning 5/6

    Dr's on 6/6 - suspected fluid in middle ear

    7/6 admitted to paeds with first CT which found the tumor

    8/6 Flown to starship and admitted to the nuero ward

    First mri 11/6

    Tumor removal surgery 13/6

    Blank seizures start and high BP over night 14-15/6. Seizures ranging in length from 10secs to 12.5mins.

    CT to check fluid levels in brain 15/6 followed by evd insertion surgery. Physical fitting siezure for 4.5mins immediately before evd surgery

    Planning mri for shunt 24/6

    Evd removal and permanent shunt surgery 25/6

    CT to check placement 26/6

    Radiotherapy proceedings starting July

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