Our friend and work colleague has had his only means of transport stolen.

$900 of $900 goal
Given by 38 generous donors in 4 days

Pensioner - stolen e-bike which is only means of travel since suffering a stroke and we really need the community's help.


Yesterday, on the 12th of November around 2:30pm someone stole an e-bike owned by Singam that was parked at our Radio Station's front door. He is elderly and since his stroke this is (was) his only means of transport to do his weekly radio show.

The police have been contacted and a complaint filed but the likelihood of this being found is doubtful. We would love the opportunity to get him a new/secondhand e-bike.

Planet FM Community Access Radio (NFP)'s involvement (page creator)

He is a broadcaster on our Community Radio Station. He has been doing his show despite a recent stroke.

About us

We provide the facilities, platform and training for Aucklanders to make radio and podcasts by and for their communities

Use of funds

Purchase of a new or second hand e-bike for him.

Latest update

We may have a bike  13 November 2020

Posted by: Jo Holsted

A kind person has donated his old e-bike to be delivered next week so we are holding off on the fundraising, thank you to all who have shared, contributed and shown love to our friend.

The money raised so far will likely be used to get the second hand bike up to scratch, new tyres battery etc and helmet.

We have capped the amount accordingly

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Latest donations

Stephen - KickArts
Stephen - KickArts on 15 Nov 2020
Helen on 15 Nov 2020
Sorry someone stole your bike! Hope you are back on two wheels soon.
Harry on 14 Nov 2020
This sucks to hear, I hope you're on your way again as soon as possible!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Nov 2020
Elnaz on 13 Nov 2020
All the best. People can be so shit.

Who's involved?

Planet FM Community Access Radio (NFP)'s avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Planet FM Community Access Radio (NFP) (Charity) on behalf of Singam Atputhasingham
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 13 Nov 2020 and ended on 18 Nov 2020.