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Pelvic Surgery costs for Hella (aged 1) who has been hit by a Ford Ranger

$2,635 of $2,600 goal
Given by 73 generous donors in 2 days


Bay of Plenty

My beautiful family dog Hella-Bella has been hit by a Ford ranger getting out of our car to go for her daily walk. She's been left with Half her tail, broken leg and her Pelvice caved inn due to the impact of the truck hitting her leading her to go under the truck. The truck did not stop. And I didn't get the number plate being in shock that had just happened.

Hella has to have surgery that will cost $4000. Money I absolutely don't have as a single mother on the benefit.

I have just managed to pay $1400 to get her first exray which showed us her pelvice had been caved in as well as her broken leg, amputation on her tail, atibiotics and IV fluids.

She is currently in the VET PLUS Rotorua for the night. Vetanerien say she will have to be put to sleep if I can't come up with the money in full. This is a heartbreak iv never experienced in all my life. There is also no repayment plan. Due to not applying for pet insurance before the injury occurred, I can not apply now as Hella has already been injured.

Please, if you can donate $1 or however many dollars you can to bring our baby home myself and my family will be extremely grateful! Many of our family and friends know how much she means to us! I can't imagine living life without her in it.

She is the most loving, kind hearted, caring, loyal and humble sole you'll ever come across.

Please give a little, or share in hope we can fundraise for our baby to be saved!!

Naku Noa, Nga mihi

Hella-Bella, Māmā, Pāpā, Osh, Pix and Pep xx

Use of funds

The money raised will go towards surgery our goal being $4000 However if we don't meet our target and our baby does get put to sleep. We will use the money raised for cremation and donate remaining money to pets in need.

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Kia Ora whanau, we have got an updated and new estimate for Hellas surgery!!

Hella will no longer need to go to Tauranga or Matamata to undergo her surgery as the VET PLUS has arranged to do the surgery here in Rotorua. Therefore bringing the Estimated total to $2,200!

However, Hella will need to stay over night at the VET PLUS to be monitored once surgery has been done. HELLA will need more antibiotics, over night stay fee, more fluids and pain relief once she has had her surgery which will cost a further $450 and some.

I would like to apologise for my recent post. Hella was not at the SPCA (that's the first place I went before going to VET PLUS) Which is directly across the road from VET PLUS! I'm deeply sorry for getting that wrong and hope those who were offended accept my apology.

Secondly, I'd like to extend me appreciation to everyone who has donated, showed love and supported myself and family and our Hella girl through this Rough patch we have just been through. I am truly grateful for every single one of you! Goes to show that there are decent, kind, caring, loving dog lovers out there!! I will make sure to repay the favour by giving back to those In need!!

My most kindest regards, love and manaakitanga

Maioha Raukawa-Phillips.

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Kathy 16 hours ago
Best of luck for babies recovery ❤️🙏❤️
Maioha Phillips

Thanks heaps Kathy 🥰

Maioha Phillips
Yvette 19 hours ago
Maioha Phillips

Thank you so much Yvette ❤️ 💓

Maioha Phillips
Lisa 1 day ago
All the best ❤️
Maioha Phillips

Thank you so much Lisa ❤️

Maioha Phillips
Neil 1 day ago
Maioha Phillips

Thank you so much Neil 💓

Maioha Phillips
Aimee 1 day ago
Get better soon Hella!
Maioha Phillips

Thanks heaps Aimee ❤️

Maioha Phillips

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Maioha Phillips
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This campaign started on 15 Oct 2024 and ends on 20 Oct 2024.