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PEOPLE OF NEW ZEALAND AND BEYOND - Let’s wrap our arms around Larissa whilst she battles rare and aggressive breast cancer

$7,758 donated
Given by 76 generous donors in over a year

Larissa was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer and we’re doing all we can to raise funds to support her & her son.

Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty

Update: Larissa is currently classed as 'no evidence of disease'. She has a CT scan booked for end of May to check some unusual pain in her left rib bones.

On 5th August, Larissa Allen (age 31) was diagnosed with Grade 3, Triple Negative, Metaplastic breast cancer.

Larissa is a wonderful mum to her 4 year old son, Carter. He is her greatest motivator to beat this disease & stay alive for as long as possible.

The type of cancer Larissa has is rare & agressive. It is only found in less than 1% of all breast cancer cases. Due to the rarity, there are very little treatments available to her.

After having her mastectomy, chemotherapy is next. It is gruelling & as a single mum of one, Larissa knows she is going to need all the help she can get.

There is a low survival rate with metaplastic cancer & an average reoccurrence of cancer within 18 months-3 years. It unfortunately spreads through the blood to other areas of the body - predominantly brain, lungs and liver.

We can’t imagine the nightmare Larissa is living through. Even in her darkest moments she has been recording her journey through her platform on social media to provide comfort, knowledge & support to others on their own journey with cancer.

Larissa’s beaming smile & positivity never ceases to amaze her friends & family despite going through the unimaginable.

PLEASE - let’s do all we can to support Larissa and Carter during this extremely difficult time. Your support is hugely appreciated.

Jen Ruffley's involvement (page creator)

I am a friend and colleague of Larissa and proud honorary aunty to Carter.

Use of funds

Funds raised will help to maintain some normalcy for Carter and allow Cater and Larissa to enjoy the time they have together. It will also help pay for any treatments that Larissa may need that aren’t funded in New Zealand. As well as much much more!

Funds will be released to Larissa's Dad Dan.

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A big thank you for all your support  7 May 2023

The past 9 months have been extremely difficult, but your support has made this experience a little less stressful.

With the mastectomy and chemotherapy, I had many months where I had to work reduced hours, so the funds raised went a long way to keep the household bills paid - thank you so much!

I was also able to buy a few wigs for when I lost my hair, pay for all the medical prescriptions and medicine as well as a couple of specialised massages which were so needed during chemotherapy.

I am currently sitting here with no evidence of disease, which still feels a little surreal. I continue to struggle with fatigue and brain fog, as well as some nerve damage to my hands - thanks chemo! And I also have some bone pain. This was recently investigated with a full body MRI. All areas were clear, except for my left ribs - which are being further investigated with a CT scan at the end of May.

To take my mind off of the wait, I am off to Thailand for 2 weeks - a chance for me to relax, reset and process this crazy ride I've been on. Luckily, I'll be able to show my new hair do as it had started to grow back.

I continue to visualise a future where I'm alive and thriving & I'm not taking any time for granted. It is full steam ahead - I don't want to miss out on anything. I auditioned for an acting scholarship when I was completing chemotherapy - I was feeling like I was on death's door when I auditioned but it turns out the judges loved it, and I won a scholarship to go study at a prestigious acting school in New York for six weeks. I start in July - I can't wait!

There is certainly lots to live for and lots to look forward to.

Thank you again for all your love, support and kind well wishes - it takes a team to kick cancer's butt - so thank you for being on my team.

Lots of love,


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Who's involved?

Jen Ruffley's avatar
Created by Jen Ruffley
Dan Allen-Gordon's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Dan Allen-Gordon on behalf of Larissa Allen
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This campaign started on 28 Aug 2022 and ended on 31 Jul 2024.