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PEOPLE OF NEW ZEALAND AND BEYOND - Let’s wrap our arms around Larissa whilst she battles rare and aggressive breast cancer

  • A big thank you for all your support

      7 May 2023
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    The past 9 months have been extremely difficult, but your support has made this experience a little less stressful.

    With the mastectomy and chemotherapy, I had many months where I had to work reduced hours, so the funds raised went a long way to keep the household bills paid - thank you so much!

    I was also able to buy a few wigs for when I lost my hair, pay for all the medical prescriptions and medicine as well as a couple of specialised massages which were so needed during chemotherapy.

    I am currently sitting here with no evidence of disease, which still feels a little surreal. I continue to struggle with fatigue and brain fog, as well as some nerve damage to my hands - thanks chemo! And I also have some bone pain. This was recently investigated with a full body MRI. All areas were clear, except for my left ribs - which are being further investigated with a CT scan at the end of May.

    To take my mind off of the wait, I am off to Thailand for 2 weeks - a chance for me to relax, reset and process this crazy ride I've been on. Luckily, I'll be able to show my new hair do as it had started to grow back.

    I continue to visualise a future where I'm alive and thriving & I'm not taking any time for granted. It is full steam ahead - I don't want to miss out on anything. I auditioned for an acting scholarship when I was completing chemotherapy - I was feeling like I was on death's door when I auditioned but it turns out the judges loved it, and I won a scholarship to go study at a prestigious acting school in New York for six weeks. I start in July - I can't wait!

    There is certainly lots to live for and lots to look forward to.

    Thank you again for all your love, support and kind well wishes - it takes a team to kick cancer's butt - so thank you for being on my team.

    Lots of love,


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  • Mastectomy done & dusted

      27 September 2022
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    On 12 September, Larissa underwent a four hour surgery to remove her left breast and a 21mm metaplastic tumour. They removed some muscle and lymph nodes for testing which have come back clear.

    The surgery was a success and the tumour was removed with good margins. The nipple was able to be spared and a new breast was reconstructed with an implant.

    Larissa has been healing well and is getting a little more mobility back in her left side, two weeks on from surgery.

    Next step is chemo and we will know more information on what type and when it will start, come the 5th October.

    The pathology report has confirmed it is triple negative metaplastic breast cancer meaning it won’t be responsive to hormone treatment.

    The best plan of attack will be regular testing and scans to catch a reoccurrence early and this will be discussed at her follow up appointment.

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  • Creating awareness with Woman’s Day

      6 September 2022
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    One thing I want to make sure I can do, is turn this not so great event into one of positivity and change.

    I am very grateful to be able to share my story with Woman’s Day and I hope it engages women to be proactive about their breast health and also helps to spread educational information.

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  • Thank you for your support

      6 September 2022

    I’m five days out from having my mastectomy. It has been a very fast turnaround and for that I am very grateful - I can’t fault the medical care received so far.

    I am also grateful for all the support I have been receiving during this difficult and overwhelming time.

    Thank you so much for your support. I feel a simple thank you just doesn’t cut it.

    I never thought I would be here in this situation, with cancer and needing to ask for help. I’m a pretty head strong independent woman so your support means more to me that I can ever express in words.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your kindness you have shown me and my little family.

    This money will help me to maintain some normalcy for my son, Carter and allow us to enjoy the time we have together (however long that might be).

    This money will mean I can pay for any treatments that I might need that aren’t funded, it’ll help me buy wigs for when I lose my hair, surgical bras for after my mastectomy, the extra travel costs for the endless hospital visits and soooo much more.

    Your support is not taken for granted and I will continue to fight for my life and while doing it, advocate for other breast cancer survivors & fighters.

    Lots of love,

    Larissa x

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