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Calling for Plane Sense for our community

$8,855 of $100,000 goal
Given by 64 generous donors in over a year

Pushing back on a flight path change implemented with zero consultation with residents. That is affecting residents' health and wellbeing.


We are fundraising to push back on increased aircraft noise in our suburbs, to fund legal action against Wellington Airport, Airways New Zealand and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.

On 1 December 2022, Airways NZ implemented a new flight path system, approved by Wellington International Airport, knowingly impacting our neighbourhood but without a consultation process. As residents, we care passionately about our surroundings, our community's well-being, the tranquillity of our maunga - Mount Kaukau/Tarikākā and its surrounding nature reserve, which is home to recovering populations of native birds.

We are creating a strong, collective voice to be heard and effect change for the peace of our community. We are challenging the process and implementation of this flight path decision and need to raise funds to launch legal proceedings, to represent our suburbs. We are here as kaitiaki/guardians, to advocate for more birdsong and less aircraft noise at the foothill of Mount Kaukau/Tarikākā. Find out more -

Use of funds

Updated on 22/04: We're fundraising $100k to issue legal proceedings. If for any reason the case cannot proceed, funds will be used to meet any initial legal costs incurred for preparation work.

We are raising funds for marketing material to reach our neighbours offline, and for expert and legal advice so our community is fairly represented. Excess funds will be donated to environmental organisations protecting our local native birdlife.

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Latest update

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Stuart's Story - The People Beneath The Path  29 June 2024

Stuart invested and moved into his Johnsonville home just 8 months before Airways New Zealand and Wellington International Airport changed the flight path, without notice or public consultation. Now he has multiple planes fly directly over his home - waking him and causing stress and sleep issues.

"The flight path had been in place for 50-plus years, everyone knew where it went and lived/purchased on that basis. I knew exactly what paths the planes took to come and go. Then this was changed by people who probably don’t live under the new flight path. To have this happen is beyond comprehension.”

Everyday Wellingtonians - including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, are suffering the effects of the flight path change. Caused by decisions made (and continuing to be made) by Airways New Zealand, Wellington International Airport, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as shareholder).

Read Stuart's story here -

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Latest donations

Grant Ramsay
Grant Ramsay on 12 Jul 2024
Great work - thank you for all your efforts. Very, very difficult to live with this noise with a brain injury.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Jun 2024
Russell and Winder family
Russell and Winder family on 21 Jun 2024
Thank you for your perseverance. We really have noticed a big impact to wild life around the area.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Jun 2024
$2.00 a day would be a small price to pay to get this noise to go away! To be able to garden in relative silence, listen to bird song again, entertain family outside, and sleep in a bit longer in the mornings ..... and challenge an undemocratic process. This is potentially a marginal constituency: wake up National and Labour!
Matthew on 24 May 2024

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Plane Sense (Wellington) (Group)
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This campaign started on 16 May 2023 and ends on 16 May 2025.