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Calling for Plane Sense for our community

  • In the Independent Herald today. Support our suburbs - donate today.

      8 August 2024
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    In the Independent Herald today. Read the full article on the Timeline or Media page of our website. Support our suburbs, donate today -

    Everyday Wellingtonians are suffering the impact of the change, including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community. Find out more about the impact on residents' health here -

    Plane Sense Wellington Inc. has filed and served legal proceedings against Airways, Aeropath Ltd, Wellington International Airport Ltd and the Director of Civil Aviation. The respondents are being challenged to account for public health, safety and legal issues, resulting from decisions made before and after implementing the DMAPS flight path change, on 1 December 2022.

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  • Breaking News!

      31 July 2024
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    Plane Sense Wellington Inc. has filed and served legal proceedings against Airways, Aeropath Ltd, Wellington International Airport Ltd and the Director of Civil Aviation. The respondents are being challenged to account for public health, safety and legal issues, resulting from decisions made before and after implementing the DMAPS flight path change, on 1 December 2022. The flight path change increases aircraft movements at Wellington Airport, it diverts jet aircraft over residences sooner than the previous path, and the change took place without consultation with the community.

    Support our suburbs - this time it's our community, next time it could be yours.

    Read the impact on residents' health here -

    Latest Media release -

    Supporting documentation -

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  • Stuart's Story - The People Beneath The Path

      29 June 2024
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    Stuart invested and moved into his Johnsonville home just 8 months before Airways New Zealand and Wellington International Airport changed the flight path, without notice or public consultation. Now he has multiple planes fly directly over his home - waking him and causing stress and sleep issues.

    "The flight path had been in place for 50-plus years, everyone knew where it went and lived/purchased on that basis. I knew exactly what paths the planes took to come and go. Then this was changed by people who probably don’t live under the new flight path. To have this happen is beyond comprehension.”

    Everyday Wellingtonians - including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, are suffering the effects of the flight path change. Caused by decisions made (and continuing to be made) by Airways New Zealand, Wellington International Airport, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as shareholder).

    Read Stuart's story here -

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  • It’s about an unfair and unprofessional process that lacks integrity.

      28 June 2024
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    We are holding to account Wellington Airport, Airways, the Civil Aviation Authority and Wellington City Council (as a current Airport shareholder).

    A proper consultation process didn't happen before the implementation of DMAPs. We are arguing a lack of fair process before change. If the residents had been consulted before the change, they could have had a say before the status quo for the last 60 years was altered. Those residents who knew a change in noise would be an issue for them and their health could have had their say and been considered.

    Plane Sense represents everyday Wellingtonians. There are public health, legal and safety concerns with the DMAPs flight path change.

    Plane Sense is fundraising to commence a judicial review. Find out more and support us today -

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  • Cora's Story - The People Beneath the Path

      26 June 2024
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    Cora's husband has dementia and he gets lost easily. They moved to Broadmeadows to be closer to family and to enjoy the quiet for health and well-being reasons. Wellington International Airport and Airways New Zealand's decision, to divert the flight path directly over their home, has left Cora feeling frustrated and powerless. The secure deck they had built for her husband to enjoy is no longer a quiet refuge for him.

    Everyday Wellingtonians - including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, are suffering the effects of the flight path change. Caused by decisions made (and continuing to be made) by Airways New Zealand, Wellington International Airport, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as shareholder).

    Read Cora's story here -

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  • The People Beneath the Path - Nina's Story

      24 June 2024
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    Nina's frustrated and angry with the stock and standard responses she's received from Wellington International Airport and Airways New Zealand when she's contacted them about the very personal effects the flight path change has had on her family. The relentlessness, anxiety, sleep deprivation and general disturbance of aircraft noise are having a real impact on her family’s wellbeing, including her children's.

    Everyday Wellingtonians - including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, are suffering the effects of the flight path change. Caused by decisions made (and continuing to be made) by Airways New Zealand, Wellington International Airport, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as shareholder).

    Read Nina's story here -

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  • As organisations operating in our city, Wellington International Airport and Airways New Zealand share a moral obligation not to cause harm to residents. This includes children, the elderly and those suffering with mental health.

      23 June 2024
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    Despite both organisations publicly promoting messages of social responsibility online, Plane Sense has witnessed insensitive responses to vulnerable individuals and a reluctance for change. It's not good enough.

    Plane Sense represents everyday Wellingtonians. Public health is one of many issues with the 1 December 2022 flight path change, including legal and safety concerns (involving Civil Aviation Authority of NZ, and Wellington City Council as a shareholder).

    Plane Sense is fundraising to commence a judicial review. Support us today. Have questions? Find out more and support us today -

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  • Plane Sense rejects Wellington International Airport's belated proposal to consult. Voting instead to proceed with judicial review.

      9 June 2024
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    Plane Sense has met with Wellington International Airport and Airways New Zealand many times since this began and sent even more emails back and forth. They have made it clear that they do not want to revert back to the original flight path, and Airways has said it will not devote resources to investigate an alternative to DMAPs. Both organisatons have stated that the current status quo is their preferred option, so we question how genuine this consultation will be.

    This is one of many issues with the 1 December 2022 flight path change, including legal and safety concerns (involving Wellington International Airport, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as a shareholder).

    Find out more - This time it’s our community, next time it could be yours. Support us - donate today.

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  • The People Beneath the Path - Greg's Story.

      3 June 2024
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    Greg suffered a traumatic brain injury 20 years ago and has not been able to work since the injury. He battles continuously with hyper-sensitivity to noise and brain fatigue which is hugely affected by noise. He bought a house in the quiet northern suburbs to help him manage these symptoms. The DMAPs flight path change has worsened his condition, which is severe and affects everything he does.

    Everyday Wellingtonians - including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, are suffering the effects of the flight path change. Caused by decisions made (and continuing to be made) by Airways New Zealand, Wellington International Airport, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as shareholder). We are currently fundraising to fund a Judicial Review, please support us. Today it's our community, next it could be yours. We want to hold these organisations to account, for the harm being caused.

    Read Greg's story here -

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  • Airways New Zealand is required to consider the best interests of the community. When planning and implementing the DMAPs flight path change it did not. Find out more...

      3 June 2024
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    Official Information documents indicate that Airways (and its subsidiary Aeropath Limited) designed and promulgated DMAPS on technical grounds without regard to section 4(1)(c) of the State-owned Enterprises Act 1986, namely that it is required to be “ organisation that exhibits a sense of social responsibility by having regard to the interests of the community in which it operates and by endeavouring to accommodate or encourage these when able to do so.” These words mean that Airways New Zealand owed and still owes procedural fairness and substantive obligations to affected residents independently of the Airport’s obligations.

    This is one of many issues with the 1 December 2022 flight path change, including legal and safety concerns involving Wellington International Airport, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as a shareholder). Find out more - This time it’s our community. Next time it could be yours. Support us - help us fund a Judicial Review.

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  • The People Beneath the Path: Amelia's Story

      29 May 2024
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    Everyday Wellingtonians - including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, are suffering the effects of the flight path change. More in the comments. Read Amelia's story, her family is now subjected to broken sleep from heavy rumbling noises and the house shaking, from early in the morning and throughout the day -

    Read more: No consultation took place, in fact, it was suggested by Airways New Zealand to Wellington International Airport Airport that the local community could be a ‘roadblock’. Wellington Airport declined to answer whether it would approve the flight path change based on the knowledge it has today.

    The Airport’s latest noise report shows that, according to WHO research, one-fifth of our neighbours could be suffering levels associated with adverse health effects. This is one of many issues with the 1 December 2022 flight path change, including legal and safety concerns (involving the Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council as a shareholder).

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  • Wellington International Airport should have consulted with the community about the DMAPs flight path change. It did not.

      22 May 2024
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    Affected residents have always had a legitimate expectation that Wellington Airport, having public law responsibilities, would carry out consultation prior to any proposal to divert aircraft over their suburbs. The consultation now offered was required by law prior to development of the DMAPS concept.

    Airways New Zealand OIA documents reference community consultation as early as November 2021, alongside that was mention that the local community could be a "roadblock", that "impact frequently comes down to perception, influenced by publicity", and "Airways would like this implemented in December this year. We (Wellington Airport) therefore need this work reasonably quickly!" Even the Airnoise Committee meeting minutes don't reference the DMAPs flight path change until March 2023, after implementation. The first communication went up on the Wellington Airport website on 20 December 2022, after first known complaints.

    Residents are angry about the lack of courtesy, consistency, professionalism and regard for our community and affected individuals. We believe the organisations have been cavalier with residents' health and well-being. Plane Sense is holding Wellington International Airport, Airways New Zealand, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as a shareholder) to account. There are significant legal issues, public health and safety concerns for residents and our local environment. Find out more and support us today -

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  • Izzy's story - The People Beneath the Path

      16 May 2024
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    Everyday Wellingtonians - including children, the elderly and vulnerable members of our community, are suffering the effects of the flight path change. Read Izzy's story and how it's affecting her 7-year-old son who suffers with ADHD -

    No consultation took place, in fact, it was suggested by Airways New Zealand to Wellington International Airport that the local community could be a ‘roadblock’. Wellington Airport declined to answer whether it would approve the flight path change based on the knowledge it has today.

    The Airport’s latest noise report shows that, according to WHO research, one-fifth of our neighbours could be suffering levels associated with adverse health effects. This is one of many issues with the 1 December 2022 flight path change, including legal and safety concerns (involving the Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council as a shareholder).

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  • Volunteer Fundraiser opportunity!

      16 May 2024
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    Are you, or do you know of, a fundraising superstar looking to volunteer some time for the benefit of others? Your role in the Plane Sense team is critical to the ongoing health and wellbeing of our community stakeholders. You will help us achieve our fundraising goals and seek justice. You will work closely with the Co-Founders of our not-for-profit organisation and be a valued member of the team. This is a chance to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

    Apply today! -

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  • What's it all about? Our new FAQs page - to explain more.

      18 April 2024
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    Announcement! Plane Sense has updated our website with a new page containing some Frequently Asked Questions. We have put this together with expert legal and regulatory assistance, to help the wider community understand on a more fully informed basis why we are pushing back on increased aircraft noise in our suburbs. We want to create awareness of the issue - a flight path change that occurred with no consultation. Visit

    This time it's our community, next time it could be yours. Support us today!

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  • Plane Sense Community Meeting Makes Headlines!

      18 April 2024
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    In addition to making page 2 of The Post's Monday paper, Plane Sense made frontpage coverage in the Independent Herald today. Find out more here -

    Read Plane Sense's latest media release here -

    Watch the Community Meeting here -

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  • NEW! - FAQs!

      17 April 2024
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    Announcement! Plane Sense has updated our website with a new page containing some Frequently Asked Questions. We have put this together with expert legal and regulatory assistance, to help the wider community understand on a more fully informed basis why we are pushing back on increased aircraft noise in our suburbs. We want to create awareness of the issue - a flight path change that occurred with no consultation.

    This time it's our community, next time it could be yours. Support us today (and please help us reach our fundraising goal)!

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  • Local Community Votes for Plane Sense to Commence a High Court Judicial Review against Wellington Airport, Airways and the Civil Aviation Authority, over flight path change

      15 April 2024

    On April 14th, Plane Sense Wellington Incorporated met with residents suffering the effects of a flight path change. The outcome was residents voted to hold the organisations to account, for their involvement in the 1 December 2022 flight path change. The vote, to issue court proceedings against Wellington Airport, Airways New Zealand and Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, will be considered by the Plane Sense committee before commencing a High Court Judicial Review. Plane Sense is currently fundraising $100k to issue legal proceedings.

    Plane Sense says, “It is everyday Wellingtonians who are paying the price of decisions made by large organisations. Quite simply, mistakes were made, and we shouldn’t be in this position. This time it’s our community, next time it could be yours, and these organisations need to be held to account to avoid that happening in the future”.

    If for any reason the case cannot proceed, funds will be used to meet any initial legal costs incurred for preparation work and the balance paid to a worthwhile cause as decided by the Plane Sense Committee with input from residents.

    Please see for details on how you can support this important next step - with our community's thanks.

    Media release -

    Plane Sense Commentary on Wellington Airport's (10 April 2024) media release -

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  • The People Beneath The Path: Margaret's Story

      21 October 2023
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    We are documenting the stories of every day people living in the northern suburbs, beneath the new flight path. To show the unfair human impact and suffering this change has had on our neighbours. A change that was inflicted upon our community, with no consultation process. We are fundraising to pushback on this change, to restore our community's peaceful enjoyment of the homes, their health and well-being.

    "The flight path change has honestly been an absolute disaster for me. I treasure the calm and serene atmosphere here, beyond what I can describe. We have worked our whole adult lives to enable us to live in our home and the increased noise from the planes is profoundly affecting our enjoyment of our surroundings. If the flight path wasn’t to change back to it’s original course, I would be enraged at the dictatorial nature of it. The lack of respect shown to Wellington citizens, and the complete disregard shown for our welfare, is intolerable."

    Full story:

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  • Calling for Plane Sense - Please help our community

      29 August 2023

    We need your help. Families are suffering with their physical and mental health as a result of a flight path change in Wellington, NZ. Made with no consultation or consideration for our local environment or community. Unchecked, this could happen to any community.

    We are fundraising to push back on increased aircraft noise in our suburbs. We are advocating for more birdsong and less jet engines. Donate today. Visit

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  • Initial fundraising goal set

      24 August 2023

    We have set an initial goal of $15,000.00 to help us reach and represent neighbours suffering in our community.

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  • Help us support our community and raise our initial goal of $15k

      24 August 2023
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    Two months on from the Community Meeting, the Plane Sense community is still waiting for the installation of sound monitors in the northern suburbs. We have not been given a definitive installation date, however Airways' DMAPS webpage has been updated notifying visitors that Wellington Airport expects to receive the noise monitoring results in November (recently updated from October). Plane Sense has provided feedback on the proposed Marshall Day data report and has requested the raw data for independent analysis, for transparency and to reassure residents. We have received an initial response indicating that these requests may be declined. Find out more about the progress of the sound monitors below (19 July post).

    Plane Sense is exploring different lines of inquiry to help us achieve our objective - to have the previous overwater departure procedure for Runway 34 reinstated, as a matter of urgency for the health and wellbeing of our community.

    We are updating our initial goal amount to reach and support members of our community, challenging the decision and process of the flight path change.

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  • Community Meeting

      27 June 2023
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    A Community Meeting took place at the Collective Community Hub in Johnsonville, on 17 June 2023 at 2.30-4pm. The event was well attended, with over 120 residents, local and political representatives of the area and the media. With many more watching online within our closed Facebook group.

    Despite feeling united by the Meeting, residents were plunged back into the day to day impact of the flight path change. Just hours after voicing how the early morning flights are impacting the community, residents experience consecutive flights within a couple of minutes of each other in the dark and early hours of Monday and Tuesday morning. Leaving neighbours feeling increasingly desperate and fearful of the future, when pre-covid international flights reach 100%.

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  • The People Beneath the Path

      27 June 2023
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    There are real people suffering beneath the new flight path. We are documenting the stories of every day residents living in the northern suburbs, to show the unfair human impact and suffering this change has had on our neighbours. A change that was inflicted upon our community, with no consultation process.

    Our community meeting shows residents purposefully researched the area and settled in a suburb that suits their health, work and lifestyle needs. Some residents have existing health and wellbeing conditions that are now exacerbated by increased aircraft noise. Help us reach and represent more of our neighbours. Please Givealittle.

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