Support for Jasmine and Karl as they embark on this uncertain road ahead.
Henderson, Auckland
On Monday 14th November, the MacGibbon families world got turned upside down with a devastating diagnosis - that their son Caiden has a brain stem tumour that can’t be surgically removed.
A month ago he was a typical 5 year old boy - happy, bubbly, cheeky and full of energy. Now, this tumour has taken away a lot of these beautiful characteristics.
Caiden has a long road ahead and so does his mum, dad, 2 younger siblings and big sister. We all hope that there is a successful treatment plan for the brain tumour but we also know that Caiden will need ongoing support to regain his motor skills, to rebuild his physical strength and recover from the emotional stress his little body has wrongly had to endure.
The treatment and recovery will take time but with this time also means a pause in income and additional, unexpected expenses for his parents, so we are coming together to try and help reprieve some of this financial pressure.
As a family this has been devastating and heart breaking so we thank you for any support that you can provide throughout this difficult time.
Caiden's new Givealittle page can be found here:
Jasmine is my very strong and big hearted sister.
The goal of this page is to take away some of the financial burden of living expenses while there is a pause of an income and travel costs.
Update from Mum and Dad 12 July 2023
Over the last 6 weeks Caiden hasn't been able to be at home making memories like he should be. Instead he has been staying in Starship Hospital with his mum with what started out as the campylobacter bug, & resulted in finding an anal ulcer on admission that got worse due to the bug. They aren't 100% sure what caused the ulcers, but it could be a combination of the clinical trial chemo drugs, & pressure in his bottom due to sitting for long periods of time. Caiden has undergone several GA's every 3 or so days to have a vac dressing applied to his bottom. This is the best way to promote faster healing. Because of the location of his ulcer, it is a very tricky place to heal, & very hard to get a dressing to stay on for very long. If we can't get his ulcer to heal they have advised that the best way to heal that area is for him to have a temporary colostomy bag. Sadly that comes with very high risks, so we aren't too happy about proceeding with that option.
We have had to make some very tough decisions around the trial. We have decided not to continue with the medication for Caiden. The trial drugs aren't a cure, but are designed to "hopefully" prolong life. If there was a guarantee that this would cure him, we would be willing to proceed with the medication & work through the nasty side effects, but unfortunately this is not a magic medicine. We are going down the natural path now, in hope that he has great results, while having quality of life, and making beautiful memories.