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Please help Caiden and his family

  • Update from Mum and Dad

      12 July 2023
    Posted by: Jasmine Dell
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    Over the last 6 weeks Caiden hasn't been able to be at home making memories like he should be. Instead he has been staying in Starship Hospital with his mum with what started out as the campylobacter bug, & resulted in finding an anal ulcer on admission that got worse due to the bug. They aren't 100% sure what caused the ulcers, but it could be a combination of the clinical trial chemo drugs, & pressure in his bottom due to sitting for long periods of time. Caiden has undergone several GA's every 3 or so days to have a vac dressing applied to his bottom. This is the best way to promote faster healing. Because of the location of his ulcer, it is a very tricky place to heal, & very hard to get a dressing to stay on for very long. If we can't get his ulcer to heal they have advised that the best way to heal that area is for him to have a temporary colostomy bag. Sadly that comes with very high risks, so we aren't too happy about proceeding with that option.

    We have had to make some very tough decisions around the trial. We have decided not to continue with the medication for Caiden. The trial drugs aren't a cure, but are designed to "hopefully" prolong life. If there was a guarantee that this would cure him, we would be willing to proceed with the medication & work through the nasty side effects, but unfortunately this is not a magic medicine. We are going down the natural path now, in hope that he has great results, while having quality of life, and making beautiful memories.

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  • An update on Caiden's medical trial

      30 May 2023
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    Yesterday marks day 28 of Caiden’s PNOC022 trial, the completion of phase 1! Caiden has tolerated both of the drugs incredibly well so far! At the end of June, Caiden will be having his first MRI since starting the trial, but we aren't expecting to see anything that will indicate how he has responded as it typically takes about 3 months for it to get into their bodies and to start showing any result.

    Over the past couple of months Caiden has been in and out of hospital with symptoms worsening, getting better and then worsening again which is always an absolute rollercoaster for us all but despite these challenges, Caiden always finds happiness being surrounded by his family and birds. When he is admitted into Starship, he enjoys going for walks with his mum and dad to the Auckland Domain to feed the birds and when he is home, he enjoys his walks down to the duck pond and spending time with his birds. Caiden and his family have enjoyed creating new memories together and recently went on a helicopter ride experiencing what it feels like to fly in the sky like a bird! So that was pretty exciting for him!

    Caiden is always so happy and is always smiling but behind all of that is a 5 year old boy trying to understand why his body doesn’t do the things it used and why he can’t run around with his siblings and cousins – we hope with our whole heart that this trial is ‘THE TRIAL’ that cures kids who are fighting DIPG, giving them the full life that they deserve and their parents and family a lifetime of precious memories.

    Thank you all for your endless love, support, kind words, special gifts and prayers for Caiden.

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  • Update from Caidens Mum and Dad

      21 April 2023
    Posted by: Jasmine Dell
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    We would firstly like to thank each and every one of you for all your love, kindness, support and prayers. It has blown us away with how beautiful people truly are during the nightmare that we are living. You have all added so much light to our lives, and for that we are eternally grateful.

    Since the last update Caiden has had alot of time in and out of Starship Hospital. He had to have a cyst aspiration/biopsy done because the fluid inside of his tumour was filling up with extra fluid, causing pressure inside his brain, and causing an increase in tumour symptoms. The risky procedure went well and they managed to drain almost all of the fluid from the cyst. However within a 17 day period the cyst has begun to fill up again. We are hoping that it will settle itself down and stop filling up so that Caiden doesn't need to go through another brain operation. The radiation effects can cause cystic fluid to become angry, and unfortunately this happened for Caiden.

    Caiden had an MRI done on the 15th of April and it looks like his tumour is stable so far. Because he has symptoms reappearing every time he weans down on the dexamethasone medication it suggests he has Puesedoprogression or radiation necrosis. The oncologist is looking at trialing Avastin infusions to see if this can help Caiden get off the dexamethasone medication. The dexamethasone has been a godsend in many ways.... but it has some awful side effects too. Caiden has gained 25 kilo in 5 months, and because of the extra weight caused from this medicine this has meant that his mobility has been impacted too.

    Caiden should be starting the PNOC022 trial on the week of the 2nd May. This is a combination of 2 drugs that will be used to hopefully prolong Caidens life. We hope and pray that a cure is found during this time so that our boy can live the long, happy and healthy life that he deserves.

    Caiden has been so happy throughout all he has had to endure. He is always smiling and puts so much trust into mum and dad to make the best decisions for him. He has such a huge passion for birds and has collected 43 if his own! We hope that he can run around again one day chasing pigeons and ducks like he used to. He doesn't deserve a death sentence.

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  • An update on Caiden

      10 March 2023
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    We want to thank each and every one of you for your support since this page was first set up for the MacGibbon family. The contributions have helped Jasmine and Karl immensely by enabling both parents to be there for Caiden not only for the level of care he requires but for them to also make the most of every moment. We are also very grateful to all of those amazing people out there who have shown their love and support in a multitude of different ways. We cannot thank everyone enough!

    After his radiation treatments, Caiden has been in good spirits as he usually is, and we even got some great news confirming that the tumour had reduced in size. Unfortunately, on Tuesday night, Caiden needed to be taken back up to Starship because his symptoms that he has had since diagnosis had gotten significantly worse but also including some newer issues that hadn't been present before.

    An MRI has shown that his tumour has grown in size (bigger than what it was prior to his diagnosis in November 2022) and we are hoping that the cause is puesedoprogression which can happen up to 3 months after radiation, rather than tumour progression. The MRI also picked up a new mass which the oncologist specialist says, looks to be diffuse DIPG – they are unsure at this time.

    Jasmine and Karl were presented with a few options to consider, none of which were an easy decision due to the high risks associated to each one. Caiden went into surgery this morning where a needle was inserted to aspirate/drain the tumour which will hopefully take some pressure off the brain as this is what is flaring up a lot if his symptoms. He is currently in recovery and will be closely monitored over the next few days.

    Caiden had been on a waiting list for a clinical trial which isn’t yet live in New Zealand due to the hospital board taking longer than expected to sign this off – there is still no indication on when this trial is expected to start. We are also unsure if he would still be eligible due to the changes in the tumour. The longer we wait, the less chance we have to try and get his tumour under control... DIPG doesn't wait.

    There are a couple of different option Jasmine and Karl are considering – there is an Onc201 trial that is run in Germany which costs approximately $20,000 NZD per month and this is for the medication alone. There are other trials being run outside of New Zealand which obviously means additional financial costs if Caiden and his parents need to temporarily move to another country during treatment. Being a parent, you would leave no rock unturned to fight this cancer and to hold on to every hope that you can for a miracle.

    Since having started this Give a little page, we were embarking on the unknown. As things have progressed a lot has changed, therefore, this funding has taken a new route - a fight to help save Caiden by giving him access to the best medical trials to help fight against DIPG. DIPG is an aggressive fast growing cancer and time is vital.

    We hope by extending this page's end date, it would help support the money required to look into alternative active trials that are out there. We want to try to give Caiden a chance by giving him and his family access to other trials that are abroad.

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  • An update on Caiden's progress

      24 January 2023
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    Caiden is on the home stretch for his radiation treatments, having gone through 24/30. Next steps are we wait 4 weeks until he is able to have an MRI to check in on things post treatment – this allows enough time for the swelling that happens during radiation to reduce so that they can get an accurate measurement of the tumour.

    His treatment today has been put on hold until tomorrow, as Caiden is needing to have an MRI of his spine. Caiden has been experiencing pain in his spine for quite some time now and a CT scan picked up a ‘suspicious shadowing’ which needs to be further looked into.

    We hope that this is nothing to be worried about and also hope that this isn’t related to the tumour. We should hopefully find out the results from the MRI tomorrow.

    A lot has been happening since my last update;

    • We’ve received a mix of good and not so good news. The good news is that they can see that the radiation treatment is working and shrinking the tumour which we are pleased to hear as there wasn’t space for free-flowing fluid to circulate prior to the treatment.

    The not so good news is that he still isn’t showing as much improvement as they would expect to see based on the tumour shrinking. It could likely be, that the tumour has caused damage to parts of the brain that may not be repairable or improve his symptoms.

    • Caiden’s oncologist has been gradually reducing his steroid dosage and he is now down to 3mls a day. Since his diagnosis, he has been on a high dose of Dexamethasone to help reduce the inflammation of the tumour which helped reprieve some of the issues he had with eating and drinking.

    Previous attempts at weening his dosage down didn’t have the best of outcomes so to be in a position where he has been able to successfully do this with the aid of his radiation treatment has been a positive step forward.

    • Child cancer came for their first home visit, she brought along a whole lot of courage and bravery beads that Caiden had earnt along with some super special ones for his bravery for going through what he is during Christmas and also for him reaching his 100th bead.

    There is another special bead which has been put away in a special place, to be used in a time when Caiden feels he needs some courage.

    • Caiden’s tumour sample and bloods are making their way to the USA for further testing. They are going to see if there are any more mutations apart from his h3k27m mutation. This will allow us to see if he may need any other treatments that may respond to those specific mutations i.e. chemotherapy.

    • Caiden will be starting a clinical trial at the end of February, a trial that is new to New Zealand and one that has shown some positive progress for kids with DIPG in America and Australia. We look forward to learning more about this when it starts and wish for nothing more but to receive some positive results throughout the trial.

    Despite going through everything that his little body has had to endure since his initial diagnosis, Caiden has been so brave and so strong every step of the way and has always shown that beautiful, glowing smile that warms everyone’s hearts.

    While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about and what matters the most – the people we love!

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  • Update on Caiden’s radiation treatment

      3 January 2023
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    It has been 4 weeks since the last update, so firstly, we would like to thank everyone for your ongoing support which has been shown in so many different ways. It has contributed greatly by enabling both of Caiden’s parents to be able to be by Caiden’s side for a longer amount on time, to continue to cherish each day and to create even more beautiful memories with their little boy. Each year, we wish for a better year than the last but this year is one filled with so much uncertainty. We continue to wish for a miracle for our sweet boy.

    Caiden started his radiation treatment on the 15th December and has a total of 30 across a 6 week timeframe. We cannot thank Starship enough for the amazing stuff that they have done so far and for putting a smile on his face when he went in for his very first session - They arranged a Thomas the Tank Engine chart so that Caiden can put a train sticker on it for each day he attends his radiation treatment and he got to choose a courage bead to add to his already growing collection since he was first admitted into Starship. The team are absolute superheroes in what they do day in and day out for all of these beautiful children and their families.

    Caiden has currently had 10 treatments and has been such a trooper - he has been incredibly resilient and has never complained about what he is having to go through.

    He has spent the last couple of days back up in Starship as he has been having difficulty breathing and his heart rate has been quite high. Caiden has been discharged today after having further tests and the oncologist has weaned Caiden off his steroids slightly as this could be effecting his breathing, but so can the tumour - Caiden will have a CT scan on Thursday straight after his radiation treatment just to check in on things and he will continue to be monitored closely.

    Thank you all for your kind words, for your thoughts and your prayers - we hold so much gratitude for all the support that everyone has shown.

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  • Caiden’s Results

      5 December 2022
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    On Thursday we received some very sad news. The Pathology results from Caiden’s biopsy shows that his tumour is a grade 4 DMP/DIPG, our worst nightmare.

    DIPG is a fatal childhood brain stem cancer which controls the basic, essential functions of the body and is unfortunately one that has underfunded research with no advancement in treatment in the last 40 years despite it being a leading cause of brain cancer in children worldwide. To this day, it remains incurable.

    At some stage this week, Caiden will start 6 weeks of radiation to try and shrink the tumour.

    Caiden is allowed to leave Starship on the weekends for day trips so Jasmine and Karl are doing a bucket list for Caiden and they have been so grateful to those who have come forward with offers on experiences that are every little boys dream. Every day counts and every moment is precious and unfortunately it takes times like these to be reminded of that.

    Please keep Caiden and his family in your thoughts and prayers as we wish for a miracle for this sweet little boy.

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  • Update on Caiden's journey

      29 November 2022
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    Thank you to everyone who has helped so far, whether it be by making a donation or by sharing the page to get Caiden's story out there. We all appreciate you and feel very humbled by all the support that has been received.

    Since creating this page, Caiden has had 2 high risk surgeries in an attempt to take a biopsy of the tumour with hopes of determining what kind of brain stem tumour he has. The first surgery showed an inconclusive result, so he went under again on Friday 25/11 for a second attempt. Now we all wait with anticipation that a conclusive result comes through.

    The tumour was very hard to penetrate which could mean it has been there for some time, so the surgeon is preparing Jasmine and Karl for a potential inconclusive result again! Fingers crossed this isn't the case as this is detrimental to what Caiden's treatment plan will be going forward.

    Regardless, they will be able to attempt to treat the tumour based on what they think it is through chemotherapy and by keeping a close eye on how it responds but to know a definitive result is the ultimate result that we are all hoping for over the next few days.

    Thank you for all of your love, support and kind words for our family. It has been an emotional rollercoaster, but we are grateful for each other and to all you amazing people that are in our lives.

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