Please Help Milanka to afford quality healthcare to manage chronic endometriosis

$420 of $42,000 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in around 4 months

I need the money to access quality healthcare to properly manage chronic endometriosis and gain some quality of life.

Raglan, Waikato

Hello, I'm Milanka. Being born blind has presented its own set of challenges. But what truly affects my quality of life is chronic endometriosis. This condition not only causes severe pain and other health issues but also interferes with my quality of life. It hinders my ability to work, form intimate relationships, plan outings and other activities that need to be planned in advance, and engage fully in life and community activities.

Currently, I'm facing a 3-5 year wait for a crucial laparoscopy through the public health system to remove endometrial lesions. Unfortunately, the conventional treatment with synthetic hormones is not an option for me, as they make me very sick. I've been fighting this condition my entire adult life, and it's taken a toll on me physically, emotionally and economically. Frankly, I’ve had a gutful of living like this.

There's hope, though. I've discovered numerous options in integrative and traditional Chinese medicine that could help me manage my condition without synthetic hormones. However, accessing this quality healthcare comes with significant costs... costs that I simply cannot afford on my own.

Use of funds

Funds raised will go towards:

* Seeing a private gynecologist with the goal of having a timely laparoscopy to surgically remove lesions

* Accessing integrative health care professionals (functional doctor, naturopath, acupuncture etc) who can help me manage my condition without resorting to synthetic hormones.

If I do not reach my goal, I will prioritize integrative health care.

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A Trip To The Dentist  7 October 2024

Hi all, I'm still costing along here. Last few weeks I've had annoying tooth ache. So last week, off to the dentist I went. Turns out it's cracked from years of grinding, and it's infected. So now I'm on antibiotics and looking at a difficult tooth extraction on Friday. The nausea is real on these antibiotics so currently in survival mode trying to control it. Anyway finish them on Wednesday and can’t wait. Also a heads up… meditation works wonders for controlling grinding. I haven't ground or clenched my jaw since I started meditating regularly. Thank you Buddhists for teaching me about meditation. :) If I’d learned about it earlier I wouldn’t need to have a tooth out now. The dentist said that apart from this tooth I’ve got good teeth. Great. Anyway just thought I'd keep you all posted on what's happening in my life. I know I'm a crappy marketer and am not doing too well at promoting this page, but I'm glad I can keep you guys posted as to what's happening in Milanka Land lately. Thank you all once again for your help so far.

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Pavel on 05 Oct 2024
Good Morning my Friend! We should team up somehow. There are so many super wealthy people in Raglan. But they don't read Givealittle. Need to try to catch them on a spot, lol! So far I was told that if I can skate then I am alright and don't need help. Everyone is a medical professional and knows what better etc. I keep thinking about ways to get us money. I talked to the surgeon. If bring cash - surgery can be done next month. Just like that. I am just thinking about how to get that money. Add me on Facebook Pavel Energy
Milanka (Annie) Mandela

Hi there, thanks again. First of all I don't go on FB because I have a history of app addiction. FB and other apps are to me what the bottle is to an alky. That's why I'm having so much trouble promoting this page. Yes, it would be great if that could happen, but I'm not holding my breath. I won't say too much on here because it's public but suffice it to say if you are in need here in Raglan, you don't matter because you're not an eye patient in Afghanistan, or somewhere else in the world who is in need of "global missions" from local churches here and wealthy... you get the point. So maybe the best way to get help is to leave NZ and go to some international mission and get it that way. :) lol Of course I say that tongue in cheek but I hope you get what I'm getting at. Because I've seen that with my own eyes. Local people in need don't matter to these people.

Milanka (Annie) Mandela
Pavel on 07 Sep 2024
Check it out - I keep working on sound system. Currently in process of building two huge speakers. So yeah, heavy bass really helps with my hip and back pain. I even installed couple of subwoofers under the seats, LoL! Now front seats go like massage chairs! Come for a ride sometime, and bring your friends too!
Milanka (Annie) Mandela

Hi there, sorry it took me so long to thank you, but thank you once again. I was having technical difficulties so couldn't work out how the layout worked. Also been flat out all week this week, so please accept my apologies, and thank you once again.

Milanka (Annie) Mandela
Emma on 29 Aug 2024
Milanka (Annie) Mandela

Hi Emma, thank you for your donation. Much appreciated. I gave you a shout-out when I recorded my radio show today. That show will air two weeks from now. Thanks again, take care.

Milanka (Annie) Mandela
Pavel on 21 Aug 2024
Happy Birthday !!!
Milanka (Annie) Mandela

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. But thank you for the birthday wishes.

Milanka (Annie) Mandela
Pavel on 15 Aug 2024
I am at skate park most of the time. Come hang out sometime! I keep playing very loud music. Somehow heavy bass helps with pain. Yeah got some massive subwoofers! You might hear me anywhere in Raglan! Lol
Milanka (Annie) Mandela

Thanks for your help.

Milanka (Annie) Mandela

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Milanka (Annie) Mandela
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This campaign started on 5 Jun 2024 and ends on 5 Dec 2024.