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Please Help Milanka to afford quality healthcare to manage chronic endometriosis

  • A Trip To The Dentist

      7 October 2024

    Hi all, I'm still costing along here. Last few weeks I've had annoying tooth ache. So last week, off to the dentist I went. Turns out it's cracked from years of grinding, and it's infected. So now I'm on antibiotics and looking at a difficult tooth extraction on Friday. The nausea is real on these antibiotics so currently in survival mode trying to control it. Anyway finish them on Wednesday and can’t wait. Also a heads up… meditation works wonders for controlling grinding. I haven't ground or clenched my jaw since I started meditating regularly. Thank you Buddhists for teaching me about meditation. :) If I’d learned about it earlier I wouldn’t need to have a tooth out now. The dentist said that apart from this tooth I’ve got good teeth. Great. Anyway just thought I'd keep you all posted on what's happening in my life. I know I'm a crappy marketer and am not doing too well at promoting this page, but I'm glad I can keep you guys posted as to what's happening in Milanka Land lately. Thank you all once again for your help so far.

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  • News About My Radio Show

      14 September 2024

    Hey guys. For those of you who have donated, thank you once again. I know I've promised that whenever someone donates I will publicly thank them on my radio show. But unfortunately I'm having to take a break from my radio show for a while. I'm just burnt out and need the energy to concentrate on other things for a while. So therefore I won't be publicly thanking future doners on the radio, but I will send doners a personal thank you when they donate. At this stage I'm taking 3 months off and then I'll evaluate further at the end of January. In the meantime I'm going to voice record some stories I want to tell in conversation format, link coming soon. The other thing as well is I can do that storytelling without the pressure to produce weekly content for the radio and having to work around periods. For those in Raglan, you will be able to hear repeats of older shows on RagFM 107.7 and for those outside of Raglan. They will air in my normal time slot on Monday mornings at 10:00, and there'll also be older shows accessible on my website. I'm sorry guys, but I really need the break. And I also want to work on doing more promotion of this page if I can as well as other things. But for now... as I always say when I end my show on the radio... this is Miss M sayin' keep on krushing!

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  • Radio Show Recorded &My Birthday on Wednesday.

      15 August 2024

    Hi all, hope you're all keeping well. First of all thank you to all of your lovely gorgeous doners. :) Second, on Monday I recorded another shout-out for the radio where I publicly thanked you all. It will go to air on Monday, the 26th. I have a birthday special going to air on the 19th.

    Anyway, it's my birthday on Wednesday. I've had birthdays in the past where I've been sick and in pain on my birthday with endometriosis. Not fun and certainly does not give you a happy birthday. Thankfully this birthday won't be one of them, so I can enjoy it. So enjoy it I will. Anyway, take care all and have a good day. And as I say when I end my radio show... keep on Krushing!

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  • Shout-Outs Recorded

      1 July 2024

    Hi all,

    I recorded my first shout-out to my doners on my radio show today. I can't do my radio shows live because I have to work around the endometriosis so I pre-record them. The show I recorded today will air on 15th July from 10:00 AM NZ time on Rag-FM 107.7 and on the live stream. By then you will also be able to access the show on my Google drive via the link on my website. Feel free to share my Givealittle page where you can so I can do more radio shout-outs. So thank you all again for your donations and keep an ear out for your shout-out! Thanks guys for your help once again... and as I always say on the radio... keep on krushing!

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