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Please help my sister fight brain cancer

  • Update on Mandy's new treatment and progress

      8 July 2023

    Hi everyone,

    Another huge thank you again for all the generous donations that have helped immensely with contributing towards Mandy's treatment. The great news is that after 4 infusions, Mandy has experienced huge improvements in her mobility and mental clarity, so it appears the new chemo is proving effective for her!!

    We are still awaiting the results of an MRI she had a few weeks back - which we’re hoping will confirm the tumour has regressed - but during a recent appointment with her Oncologist he called her “remarkable” in regard to the improvements evident so far; so, fingers crossed this is a sign of things to come.

    Your contributions have covered these first 4 infusions of Avastin and Irinotecan and we could not be more thankful and grateful for you all.

    Thanks again,

    Emma on behalf Mandy & family

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  • Update on Mandy's health

      11 May 2023

    Hi everyone,

    It's been a really tough day today. Mandy received the results of her latest MRI and it’s not what we wanted to hear. The tumour has grown. There’s a very small chance it’s pseudo progression (where the effects of the recent radiation mimics the tumour to appear like a wider growth area), but either way we have to move forward with next steps.

    We were also told she cannot have any further surgery. Due to the fact she’s experiencing numbness and weakness down her left side, a further surgery may cause paralysis. So, we’re left now with only one option; to commence the course of Avastin in conjunction with Irinotecan.

    In today’s appointment we also gained clarity on the cost of treatment and at this stage we’re currently around $40,000 short, so we’re still hoping to be able to raise more funds to help pay for Mandy’s treatment and lighten the stress load just a little.

    Thank you again to everyone who has donated and supported so far. We can never thank you enough for your kindness and generosity.

    If you haven’t yet shared the link to this page, we would be so grateful if you please could. The more awareness we can gain, the better chance we have of raising the funds we urgently need.

    Thank you everyone,


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  • A massive thank you

      26 April 2023

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to say a huge thanks to all of you for your immense generosity.

    Mandy and her family are so humbled and grateful for all the support and messages of love & care we've received.

    If you would like to continue your support, simply sharing a link to this page on your social media channels would go a long way to help with donations for Mandy's care.

    Thanks again to all of you - we are forever grateful.

    Emma on behalf of the Prowse family xx

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