Please help our beautiful Maia on this hard journey with being diagnosed with a brain tumour!

$18,007 donated
Given by 99 generous donors in around 6 months

Help support Maia’s journey after being diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Bay of Plenty

On Friday the 17th of November, Maia was out mowing her lawns when she lost sensation down the left side of her body and began to have body tremors/seizures. Maia ended up in A&E, where she under went a CT scan and MRI. During her time in hospital they discovered that she has a brain tumour, which is currently fused within the area of her brain that controls the left side of her body. Because of the seizures and the brain tumour, Maia can no longer drive for at least a year.

On Friday the 8th of December, Maia underwent a biopsy to find out more about her brain tumour and how to treat it.

Maia has received her results from her biopsy, which have now determined that the brain tumour is grade three and cancerous.

Maia will be spending the next few weeks recovering and healing from her biopsy, to prepare her body to move a head with treatment.

Maia has a long journey ahead, where she will undergo chemotherapy or radiation.

Maia moved to New Zealand nearly 8 years ago with her partner Simon, where she has been working in early childhood for the past 6 years teaching our young tamariki. She has impacted so many young children’s lives over these years and we are all so grateful for her contribution to the profession.

rebecca Taylor's involvement (page creator)

My is my best friend and work wife

Use of funds

It will be a long road ahead, but through the kindness of others, we hope this page will help relieve the financial pressures as Maia will be undergoing treatment and the associated costs of petrol and continued household costs.

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Radiation complete!  5 April 2024

Posted by: Maia Hendrix

Just letting you all know that I have finished my first round of treatment (radiation done, some more chemo to come) and am enjoying a rest from it all with Simon currently! Feeling pretty great considering, so still counting myself lucky! Thanks for your continued support - love to you all! 🍀🩷🩵

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Christine on 18 Apr 2024
Maia I'm so sorry to hear this. You are an amazing lady. Sending you lots of love and strength xxx
Janet on 08 Apr 2024
Stay strong my friend. It's Jan from Phoenix just in case you're confused by FB name!!!
Susan on 20 Mar 2024
Hi Maia Lovely meeting you - sending all our love and best wishes. Ross and Sue 💜
Susan on 26 Feb 2024
You are doing so well. Sending love and strength for your journey.
Leese on 25 Feb 2024
Maia, I'm sending you so much love and strength. Whilst I haven't seen you for a very long time, I will never ever forget what an amazing friend you were to me. You were my strength through the hardest period of my life. I'm so happy to see you followed your dream. Stay strong. Leese. Xxx

Who's involved?

rebecca Taylor's avatar
Created by rebecca Taylor
Maia Hendrix's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Maia Hendrix
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This campaign started on 13 Dec 2023 and ended on 13 Jun 2024.