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Please help our beautiful Maia on this hard journey with being diagnosed with a brain tumour!

  • Radiation complete!

      5 April 2024
    Posted by: Maia Hendrix
    Main image

    Just letting you all know that I have finished my first round of treatment (radiation done, some more chemo to come) and am enjoying a rest from it all with Simon currently! Feeling pretty great considering, so still counting myself lucky! Thanks for your continued support - love to you all! 🍀🩷🩵

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  • Thanks again!

      21 February 2024
    Posted by: Maia Hendrix

    Just a quick thank you to all those who have donated after reading about our journey so far - I had no idea the story would reach as many people as it has so thank you for being kind enough to support a total stranger! You are all amazing and thoughtful people.

    Today is day 7 of my radiation treatment and day 9 of my chemo - so far no major side effects so I’m feeling pretty good overall and consider myself lucky 🍀

    Hope you are all enjoying our last month of Summer!

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  • You have our thanks! 🙏

      22 December 2023
    Posted by: Maia Hendrix

    To our beloved family, friends and anyone else kind enough to donate,

    We are overwhelmed by your generosity and just want to thank you for being so thoughtful, especially at this time of year where money can be tight. Your money will help us to keep a roof over our heads for a good wee while!!

    I am doing well health-wise and staying positive, now I am just awaiting an appointment to see what the next steps are in terms of treatment.

    Wishing you all a wonderful holiday period and a fantastic new year! Thank you all again. You have all our love. ❤️

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