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PLEASE HELP PORTIA SWAN TO BEAT BRAIN CANCER - this brave 15 yr-old Kiwi still needs your support!


      5 December 2024
    Posted by: Matthew Swan
    Main image

    Greetings to you all - As 2024 is coming to an end we wanted to reach out and wish you all a Happy & Safe Christmas and many blessings and good wishes to you and your wonderful families during the holiday season as we enter a New Year. Thank you ALL once again for your kind generosity and support over the last 24-months. Just an update on this page from our end. As sadly there is no immediate cure for brain cancer we have made a decision to take Portia abroad where we have identified more specialised treatment both conventional and unconventional. We now have multiple off shore oncologists and a nutritional team who are working collectively with us, we are very grateful to have pulled together a wonderful medical team. Funds are ongoing towards our ever mounting costs of private treatments. Private medical advisors and oncologists. Private scanning. Nutritional supplements and all the associated costs of the life changing journey we are on. We can't express enough how grateful we are for your continual support on what can be a very overwhelming journey to say the least but with the power of community, family and friends, we will continue to fight until the bitter end.

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  • PLEASE HELP PORTIA SWAN TO BEAT BRAIN CANCER -this brave 15-year old Kiwi still needs your support!!

      19 May 2024
    Posted by: Matthew Swan

    Dearest Friends, Family & Wider Community

    As most of you all know on November 21st last year Portia underwent an awake craniotomy to remove the remaining ACTIVE tumour that was still left behind from her last operation. Portia was one of the youngest people to undergo the operation as Andrew was confident it would suit her relaxed personality. Sadly a GRADE 3 - Astrycotoma brain tumour wants to MUTATE - that's the nature of this beast and we are taking every step we can to prevent this from aggressively wanting to grow back and as one of our oncologists defined it to us it's a bit like LIVING ON A FAULT LINE - COSTS are never ending for treatments both conventional and unconventional and drugs to keep your child alive are outrageous. This journey is a continuing moving platform in terms of the treatments that Portia undertakes and we are trying to be one step ahead of a potential mutation and wanting to make the right choice of treatments for Portia moving forward, one of the options available is a drug called IVOSIDENIB the cost for this drug is $30,000 per month so as you can see there is a lot to digest and work through. Apologies for the shrt update our text is ltd.Once again we would like to take this opportunity to thank you ALL for your continual support you have shown to Portia and our family - your donations, phone calls, kind words of support have made a huge impact on Portia's fight to beat this evil disease from the bottom of our hearts we are eternally grateful.

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