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Please Help the Bigwood Family who have lost almost everything but the clothes on their back

on 20 Jun 2018

Ina asks

I have a question, why should we give a little when the family were obviously under insured? They should have been paying for the appropriate amount of contents insurance


Hi Ina

No one 'should' have to or has to do anything if they don't choose to... only if they want to.... as the page clearly states they had only just purchased their new furniture and set it up finishing putting everything together the night before this happened. Unless a tragedy like this has happened to an individual personally it's difficult to anticipate the true cost of rebuilding an entire household and being under insured or having no insurance at all is not uncommon. People often want to help from the kindness of their own hearts but don't know how. That's why this give a little site is such an effective way of restoring humanity. Apart from standing in their shoes yourself it is impossible to fully appreciate the devastating gravity of this freak occurrence so anything anyone can do to help no matter how big or small is appreciated.

Arlene Beall
on 20 Jun 2018

James asks

Hi Arlene

By the sounds of it this was a public sewer that was blocked and not the family's private foulwater drains. If this is the case then Watercare should be held responsible and not the family's own insurance.



Hi James

At this stage I am unsure as to what arrangement the family have, if any, w watercare directly and what level of support they are receiving in this regard - but it does state in the article in the nz herald today that they were advised to contact their insurance company. I am aware their priority has been to secure a roof over their head followed by endeavouring to set up a house...however in speaking w the family the subject of their personal contents insurance was definitely discussed and is touched upon in paragraph 5 of the main page.

Arlene Beall
on 20 Jun 2018

Chris asks

No mention of insurance? Surely your home and contents insurance would cover these costs?


Hi Chris

If you reread the main page contents insurance is touched upon in the 5th paragraph.

Arlene Beall

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