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Please support my amputation

  • Update 10.02.2022

      10 February 2022

    Just thought I would give a quick update, I have used some of the money donated to pay for a disability parking card so it’s easier to get the wheelchair ect out of the car. It’s amazing how much space they take up.

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  • Use of funds

      28 January 2022

    As some of you know I am also currently on the list for funded bariatric surgery, next week I have appointments and i will be using some of the funds of this page to help cover accomodation, travel costs and other costs involved with travelling away. I have also used some funds to get a mobility parking permit as I’m currently in a wheelchair.

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  • Out of hospital

      27 January 2022
    Main image

    Thought it was time for an update for all of you following my journey. I was finally released from hospital yesterday and spent the first night back at home last night. It was so nice to be able to sleep in my own bed and sit and watch tv. Thank you all so much for support and donations, it means so much that you all support my decision.

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    • 27/01/2022 by Blair

      We are all so proud of you Jessica keep up with your recovery we are with you every step of your journey you are a great inspiration to us all nothing is gonna keep you down xoxoxo