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PLUCKY 3 YEAR OLD WITH CANCER NEEDS YOUR HELP. How would you feel and cope if your toddler was diagnosed with cancer?

$18,350 donated
Given by 132 generous donors in around 5 months

A look into Bellas harrowing life long struggles, past, present and future, she inspires us every day.

Sunnyhills, Auckland

Bella has braved more than five hours of surgeries and more operations than most of us will face in a lifetime. She has had 5 rounds of chemotherapy, lost her hair, has a nasal gastric feeding tube, and had a port installed under her skin to connect to a vein in her neck to allow for medication and tests. Her harrowing journey is not over as her heartbroken parents and family rally to save her life.

Bella is a “real trooper, an amazing little girl who inspires us every day, - you never know when your world can change in a matter of seconds”. Bella Shepherd was born with a genetic condition called BCOR, which can affect her heart, eyes, teeth and hearing. An ultrasound at birth revealed the heart defect Atrioventricular Septal Defect which will require heart surgery before she turns 5

At 8 weeks old she had surgery to remove cataracts. Mum Kirsten Moorhead says Bella had a hard swollen tummy and tests revealed Rhabdomyosarcoma - a rare cancerous tumour. Bella now faces more chemotherapy and radiation to give her a fighting chance.

It has taken a “big toll on us all emotionally, physically, mentally especially Bella. We take things as they come, one day at a time.”

Bella’s dad Daniel had previously lost his job and Kirsten left her job to care for Bella and support Bellas' brother Jackson, 6. Costs are mounting, It takes a village to care for a child and if you are able to givealittle to help Bella’s parents they will be forever grateful. Every little bit makes a big difference.

Bronwyn Simpson and Heather Yearbury - Bellas' Great Aunties' involvement (page creator)

We are two sisters who are Great Aunts to little Bella, who is the only female born in two generations on her fathers side.

Use of funds

General living costs, petrol - hospital visits hospital parking fees, power bills. If any surplus money we would love to invest in educational/Learning programmes, also a holiday to make her smile- And also any other medical costs that are not covered by ACC or the Public Health system

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Final Update  28 November 2024

2024 has been a very difficult time for Bella and our family. At only 3 years old, she has already

been through more than most people will in their entire lives. We are so proud of our little girl's

strength, courage and always having a smile on her face. It is amazing that she is now in

remission (although still on a maintenance plan that includes chemo).

On behalf of our entire family, I would like to thank every single one of you so much for all your

support during this time. Your donations have been incredible and we are just so overwhelmed

with your generosity! Whether you donated, messaged, offered to help, shared the posts, called

or just have us in your thoughts..we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Bella is enjoying her Dance classes, her Trampoline and the online learning programme all of which are helping Bella to recover from her lost development and learning opportunities.

We have set aside some funds for her ongoing health requirements. Prior to her Cancer

diagnosis, Bella was to undergo heart surgery before the age of 5 and with this in mind, we have

managed to keep aside some funds to assist her and the family with this next journey.

Once again, thank you all for being amazing and hopefully 2025 will be a great year for us all!.

We wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Safe 2025.

Love Bella, Kirsten, Daniel, Jackson and our families

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Nov 2024
God Bless
Bronwyn Simpson and Heather Yearbury - Bellas' Great Aunties

Thank you so much. All this help has made such a difference to this young family.

Bronwyn Simpson and Heather Yearbury - Bellas' Great Aunties
Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead

Thank you so much! Very generous 😊 x

Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead
Virginia on 15 Oct 2024
Sending love to brave Bella and her brave family xx
Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead

Thanks so.much Gin!! Xxx

Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead
Alexis, Alexander and Josh
Alexis, Alexander and Josh on 22 Sep 2024
Sending love and support to you all xxxx
Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead

Thank you so much, that's so generous of you all!😊 xx

Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Sep 2024
Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead

Thanks so much!! 😊 x

Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead
Sanna on 04 Sep 2024
So much love to you all, Kirsten. So happy you reached out. ❤️
Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead

Thanks so much Sanna! So lovely of you 😊 xx

Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead

Who's involved?

Bronwyn Simpson and Heather Yearbury - Bellas' Great Aunties's avatar
Created by Bronwyn Simpson and Heather Yearbury - Bellas' Great Aunties (Group)
Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Daniel Shepherd and Kirsten Moorhead
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This campaign started on 4 Jul 2024 and ended on 30 Nov 2024.