Priyashna is still waiting for kidney transplant,continues her dialysis.overall priya is getting more and more weak.
Her major issue is really bad anxiety attacks,unable to sleep,and wanting to quit dialysis,she says she has had enough.
She is lonely,has no friends,wants to go to school.
Priyashna is really hopeful that oneday she will get transplant done.,which can only happen with public,ie your help and support,please.
I still havent lost hope,still positive despite so many hurdles to get over last 5 years,doing my best to keep this girl alive and encourage and support her not to giveup.
It is so difficult and tough for me finacially.
I work fulltime,do overtimes if i get them,and depend on givelittle donations to continue this journey.
Iam still strong,despite being battered and bruised from last 5 years of struggle and hardship,and breaks my heart to witness daily ,the sufferings of priyashna,but we both support each other and continue,by taking a day at a time
My work ( colleagues)is where i get all the love and support from,and they are my strenght.,thankyou.
For priyashna,iam her support and strenght,and we both have strong faith and we believe in that.
Only thing we depend on is everyones help and support please.
Please pray and share her page for help.and do help if you can.