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Pronouns 101: Name Badges with Pronouns for Medical Students

Final Week for Fundraising

  17 May 2021
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Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our campaign! We are now entering our final week for fundraising.

Currently we have enough fundraising for about 320 badges. Can you help us raise enough for 500 badges?

Remember we are a registered charity and all donations are tax deductible. Any sharing of our campaign website would be greatly appreciated.

We are so overwhelmed with how positively this campaign has been received. Between coverage on our University website and student-led magazine (Craccum) to having an article making it to the New Zealand Herald website, we are so pleased with the dialogue that this campaign has started and how actively everyone has engaged with that dialogue.

We are currently having talks with students from the New Zealand Medical Students' Association, as well as staff from the University of Otago, to support them in expanding our concept to medical students from Otago as well.

Thank you for all of your support. We are so excited to be ordering and distributing so many new badges next week!

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