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Puketi forest enviroMate100 possum control

$1,425 donated
Given by 10 generous donors in around 8 months

Your funds directly enabling a demonstration of enviroMate100 alternative to aerial 1080 whilst reducing possums in Puketi forest.


EnviroMate100 (a automated bait station) is being used in the centre of Puketi Forest to provide data "of scale" displaying that new generation possum control can be partially self funding through fur recovery whilst maintain forests with very low declining possum populations .

We will provide continuous control of possums within approximately 1200ha using enviroMate100 bait stations, cyanide toxin and traps. It is expected the impact of this possum control will filter outwards to reduce possum population over approximately 3000ha.

This operation initially requires 1 single visit every 14 days to each individual enviroMate100 to reload it with lure and toxin. At this time possum fur can be recovered.

Smaller scale operations suggest each externally placed bait station site will maintain catching 1 possum on average every 14 days whilst the internal area will become possum absent. It is hoped at the larger scale the internal areas will also eventually become depleted of possum residents.

A independent possum control contractor using enviroMate100 was successful in gaining 6% 5.3% and 4.7% BMI monitor solely with lure to pull possums over extended distances to be caught in leg hold traps, this was a TB free control funded operation. 15% BMI is what DOC target to enable biodiversity gains.

Our hope is to provide the validation and operation model for working in dense forest needed to update outdated trapping information of which suggest that trapping and ground control work is more costly and less effective than aerial delivery for the sustainable maintenance of conservation values. The promotion that fur recovery can now meet environmental requirements currently set by DOC whilst creating jobs in rural environments.

We wish to show case a different method of control and management system to achieve the desired outcome with no non target deaths.

Please note the resident possum population in this forest is presently uneconomic for a living wage to be made from fur collection using conventional trapping or poison application. DoC have declined development assistance since 2014. It was suggested we need to validate enviroMate100 technology at landscape scale, this has now been done by an independent contractor being successfully monitored in three separate contracts.

We seek partnerships with those who participate in fur recovery as they have the skilled, self motivated hardened workers to conduct large scale self directed predator control. We wish to maintain a living wage for these people.

Aerial application of toxin (once only application) currently costs around $38 - $56 per ha. We are offering to maintain a similar level of possum control but across the entire"year" for $40-50 per ha and ask you to contribute directly to provide this control.

It is expected fur recovered will finance the initial deployment of enviroMate100 into the forest but not the continued protection against reinvasion. We could also target rats and stoats as they are drawn to enviroMate100 activity. At present we are not enabled by DoC to use rat baits and would need take traps to site.

Another way to look at the cost structure is it costs $10 to carry each enviroMate100 onto site and $10.00 to remove again. It works for 14 days delivers toxins on the last day killing those possums that are visiting.

Every additional visit to reload at the same site costs $5.00- $10 per visit dependant on what goes in to it.

We wish to deploy and maintain 250-300 enviroMate100 in this operation. To do this with your help we require $1250.00 -$1900 every 14 days to maintain each site ($1-2 per ha per visit approx.)

Every additional $5 we receive we can return to service 1 enviroMate100 for another 14 day cycle of control against reinvasion. Sporadic fur recovery around the boundary will help fund the rest.

Eco-land will supply enviroMate100 and implement the work. Eco-land will recover fur to cover enviromate100 deployment and removal costs

We note Govt funding aimed at "alternative tools" to aerial control is not currently filtering to implementation efforts in the field. We have a proven successful system ready to operate but have not been enabled. We need your help to make this happen!


Use of funds

$130 maintains one enviroMate100 automated bait station onsite in Puketi for 1 year. This includes labour, lures, battery, travel and toxin. One single enviroMate100 controls 4ha for possums.

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All good things come to an end!  13 June 2020

Eco-land Ltd had deployed around 200 enviroMate100 to create boundary ring to prevent reinvasion around two separate areas of around 350ha, the remainder of units beginning to work out the centre area on one side. Units were being placed at one unit per ha. At this density providing the total working area had been deployed it would have been expected to dramatically reduce possums possibly to 0% after 14 days. Ideally rats could also been controlled as part of the operation though no permission to use rat bait had been permitted.

Our objective was to successful complete our work with a good monitor result enabling DOC validation. We were recently informed by DOC that completion of our self initiated working area and DOC monitor of our work would not be used internally within the Department.

Eco-land have ceased providing further free work in Puketi Forest, as our objective has been denied by an unsupportive Department of Conservation. We have nearly removed all enviroMate 100 after each line completed its possum control cycle.

We thank those that have supported us in this journey. We have gained valuable information derived through time in motion studies across the last 12 months. We understand that a shared approach to pest control in a forest such as Puketi is required. Possums recovered for fur cover the removal cost of equipment, installation needs funding. Rats could be controlled at the same time with this last efforts use of a thin layer of fera feed over flour and cyanide confirms this management system if using rata bait will work. Rats carefully removing the fera feed but leaving flour untouched. The fera feed protecting the flour from humidity and keeping it fresh and ready for possums.

Thanks again to those that have been supportive!

Kind Regards


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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Oct 2019
good work! Heard you on Jesse Mulligan
eco-land Ltd

Thanks we will put your donation to good use. I heard today that bird song recorders have been placed with in the zone we are working to listen for kokako that may have extended their habitat range from the puketi forest trusts protection zone.......

eco-land Ltd
peter on 31 Oct 2019
Congratulations on your device, and best of luck. Enjoyed your interview on RNZ today. Cheers to your forest restuarant!
eco-land Ltd

Hi Thanks for listening to RNZ and supporting efforts in Puketi will keep you and others updated with news from the forest.

eco-land Ltd
Melissa on 31 Oct 2019
Just heard you on Radio NZ. Good luck!
eco-land Ltd

Hi That was really fast! Thanks for your support in making positive change in Puketi

eco-land Ltd
kathy on 14 Oct 2019
keep at it
eco-land Ltd

Excellent THANKS!. Another effort will be made next Monday. A further 8 enviroMate100 units will be taken into the forest to complete the first loop. I await the required poison warning signs to be made, these will cost of around $250 for the four signs.

eco-land Ltd
Andreas on 23 Sep 2019
From Switzerland - 3 more enviroMates to help you prove your bait station is a winner and to help a New Zealand forest .
eco-land Ltd

Thanks kindly, that is a nice surprise. Doc have issued the cyanide poison consent so the operation will now gain some speed. Enjoy knowing 12 ha of forest will shortly be controlled and maintained for possums by your donation until consent expires in September 2020.

eco-land Ltd

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, eco-land Ltd (Business)
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This campaign started on 5 Sep 2019 and ended on 13 May 2020.