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Purchase Practice Car and Driving Simulator

$288 of $7,000 goal
Given by 6 generous donors in around 6 months

By giving a little to our community driving school, you are enriching people's lives and help achieve their dreams.


The Puketapapa Community Driving School was launched in December 2017 to help young people, new migrants and former refugees to gain independence and confidence, and increase their chances of getting employment.

We know that barriers exist for many learners like the cost of driving lessons and sitting the tests, lack of practice car and driving mentors. PCDS aims to make driving lessons more accessible and affordable with the help of volunteer driver mentors.

"I want to get my licence to get a job. I want a better life for my children." - Saba, Eritrean learner


Six months on, 160 started their driving lessons and 10 successfully passed driving tests including 1 Tamil youth, 1 Somali mum and 1 Burmese single mum. Around 50 of our learners are women from refugee background who need more practice after failing restricted test more than twice or thrice already. However, PCDS has only one practice car so this means longer wait for over 100 learner drivers on our waitlist. Another practice car means supporting more people to get licence.

Migrant Action Trust (MAT), the fund holder for PCDS is a registered charity so you can claim back on your donation.

About us

The Migrant Action Trust (MAT) helps migrants and former refugees settle in New Zealand and become fully integrated into NZ society. MAT's three core programmes: Migrants Supporting Migrants, Arrival to Integration and Supporting Groups.

Use of funds

We are aiming to raise funds for another dual control car and driving simulator, as well as sponsor free driving lessons for young people and former refugee/migrant women who face the biggest barriers to getting licence.

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Latest donations

Jaennevibe on 26 Sep 2018
Thank you very much for teaching me how to drive. I got my license today!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Aug 2018
Rachael Child
Rachael Child on 26 Jul 2018
Such a great initiative to unlocking barriers and having real impact in people's lives.
Ms Honey Bee
Ms Honey Bee on 22 Jun 2018
The driving simulator will help the learner driver a lot in gaining their confidence prior to the actual driving on the road. Please donate generously. Thank you.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Jun 2018

Who's involved?

Migrant Action Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Migrant Action Trust (Charity) on behalf of Puketapapa Community Driving School
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 22 Jun 2018 and ended on 22 Dec 2018.