Quinn’s fight against Leukaemia

$28,079 donated
Given by 372 generous donors in around 5 months

This page has been set up to provide financial assistance for Brynn and Jimmy while caring for Quinn who has been diagnosed with leukaemia


On Thursday 8 February 2024, Quinn was admitted to Starship Hospital where she was diagnosed with high risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

Brynn, Jimmy and Quinn have had their world turned upside down and are navigating this news the best they can knowing they have a long fight ahead to recovery for their little girl.

Quinn will undergo chemotherapy and surgeries for the foreseeable future and will be in and out of Starship Hospital for treatment, monitoring and stabilisation of this cancer.

This page has been set up in the hopes of relieving the financial pressure Brynn and Jimmy will face due to long periods of leave from work while they care for Quinn full time.

On behalf of the Armstrong and Curran Whanau, we greatly appreciate any support you are able to offer in helping little Quinn fight this battle

Use of funds

The funds will be paid directly into Brynn and Jimmy’s account and be spent on the families regular bills, expenses and provide all that Quinn requires throughout this journey whilst allowing them to care for her without financial worry.

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Update on Quinn's treatment  25 May 2024

Posted by: Brynn Armstrong

Hi everyone, just a quick update on how things have been going for beautiful little Quinn.

We have reached the end of this phase of treatment with her responding to it all as she should, but with quite a few speed bumps along the way. This phase has been very heavy and meant lots of trips to Staship for theatre for lumbar punctures, chemotherapy, and bone marrow aspirations. She has then had chemotherapy administered by the community nurses at home the following three days and by us every night. All of this is in addition to her myriad of ongoing medications.

Unfortunately, theatre has been tough on her, with ongoing issues to do with her airways closing up while under general anaesthetic. We are super grateful for the amazing Starship team who help get her through these but as you can imagine, it takes a massive toll on her and us.

We are currently staying at Starship at the moment, having been here for the past 9 days, after she developed bad fevers and was rushed to ED. Fortunately she's doing well and we are now just waiting for her white blood cells to recover to a point that she has some immune system before we are allowed home again.

Once again, a massive thank you to everyone for all your incredible support. We are so grateful for everyone who has reached out to us, and incredible generosity through the Give a Little page, which has been life saving with both of us currently not at work while Quinn is staying in hospital.

Love you all heaps 🩷 xx

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor 3 days ago
Soph on 13 Jul 2024
i hope everything goes well for you and your family. keep your heads held high!
Brayden on 13 Jul 2024
Bless your souls. ❤️
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Jul 2024
Stevie Rose
Stevie Rose on 10 Jul 2024
Sending lots of love ❤️

Who's involved?

Annelise Kiely's avatar
Created by Annelise Kiely
Brynn Armstrong's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Brynn Armstrong
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This campaign started on 16 Feb 2024 and ends on 12 Feb 2025.