This page has been set up to provide financial assistance for Brynn and Jimmy while caring for Quinn who has been diagnosed with leukaemia
On Thursday 8 February 2024, Quinn was admitted to Starship Hospital where she was diagnosed with high risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
Brynn, Jimmy and Quinn have had their world turned upside down and are navigating this news the best they can knowing they have a long fight ahead to recovery for their little girl.
Quinn will undergo chemotherapy and surgeries for the foreseeable future and will be in and out of Starship Hospital for treatment, monitoring and stabilisation of this cancer.
This page has been set up in the hopes of relieving the financial pressure Brynn and Jimmy will face due to long periods of leave from work while they care for Quinn full time.
On behalf of the Armstrong and Curran Whanau, we greatly appreciate any support you are able to offer in helping little Quinn fight this battle
The funds will be paid directly into Brynn and Jimmy’s account and be spent on the families regular bills, expenses and provide all that Quinn requires throughout this journey whilst allowing them to care for her without financial worry.
One year of Quinn's Cancer 4 February 2025
Hi everyone, on February 8th we will reach exactly ONE YEAR since Quinn was diagnosed with Leukaemia. At just 16 months old when cancer entered our life, the past year has seen her grow so much into the beautiful little girl we know. Despite the extraordinary challenges and hardship this year has brought, she has handled it so much better than we could ever imagine.
Over the past year, we have:
Spent 118 nights in hospital
Had 161 days with chemo (Sometimes 4× a day)
Received 34 blood transfusions and 24 lumbar punctures
Taken 17 unplanned urgent trips to hospital
And received 1308 beads of courage!
We hoped to share this update with how well she has been doing, her blood counts had been great, her hair is growing back, she's putting on weight again, but unfortunately we were admitted to hospital 12 days ago with an infection in her line. She is on antibiotics for a serious infection and has meant last week she had to undergo surgery to have her port removed from her chest, and a PICC line put in her arm. In a month she will have another surgery to get a new port put into her chest once the infection is all gone. It's been one of the hardest stays so far, but she's doing incredibly, all things considered, and we are hanging in there!
This past year has been the most challenging yet for all of us, and we are so grateful for all of your support. We couldn't have gotten this far without you all, and from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
Much love, Jimmy, Brynn, Quinn 💚
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