After years of hard work a destructive fire has slowed the relocation of our historic railway station to where it will home our museum!
Huntly, Waikato
It’s with heavy hearts that we are asking for your help following a heart wrenching fire.
After years of hard work, we were in the process of moving the original 1939 heritage railway building back to Huntly Railway Station to refurbish and use it to serve the passionate community of Huntly as a local museum.
Unfortunately, in the moving process, the first half of the much-loved historical building caught alight, and this important piece of New Zealand history fell victim to a destructive fire.
With a passionate team who have already committed so much hard work and effort to this project, we will carry on as planned, holding our heads high to get the job done. However, after suffering so much damage, the project will continue at a much greater cost and slower rate.
This is where we need your help. We’re calling on the passionate and resilient communities across Aotearoa to help us pick up the pieces and complete this project.
If you can spare any donation, no matter the size, it will help us get back on our feet and complete this project for our thriving community. Whether you can spare the price of your daily coffee, sweet treat, or anything in between, if you donate a little, together we can do a lot.
I am third generation Huntly born, I was excited about the project to restore our railway station to the centre of town and home our museum inside. I want to help make this happen, fundraising is my way of helping. Aroha nui to all of you who help too! xx
Funds raised will assist in rebuilding our fire damaged historical railway station building that will home the Rāhui Pookeka - Huntly Museum in the centre of town.
Strengthening completed 26 September 2023
Both halves of the railway station have now been strengthened and remain intact while we wait for the insurance assessments to be completed. The current level of donations has given the Museum team a much needed boost and we continue to seek funding for the completion of the project.
Recently our Huntly Museum Chair was invited inside to view the structural strengthening that has been completed, photos attached.
Please continue to share this page through your social media on our behalf that we may continue to head toward our goal.
Thanks again!!!