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Rāhui Pookeka - Huntly Museum fire damage fundraiser.

  • Strengthening completed

      26 September 2023
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    Both halves of the railway station have now been strengthened and remain intact while we wait for the insurance assessments to be completed. The current level of donations has given the Museum team a much needed boost and we continue to seek funding for the completion of the project.

    Recently our Huntly Museum Chair was invited inside to view the structural strengthening that has been completed, photos attached.

    Please continue to share this page through your social media on our behalf that we may continue to head toward our goal.

    Thanks again!!!

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  • QR Code available

      14 June 2023
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    We’ve created a QR code for our give-a-little campaign raising money for the Rāhui-Pookeka Huntly Museum rebuild.

    You could print this code and display it publicly so passers by can scan it to be taken directly to our campaign page where donations can be added!

    THANKS!!! ♥️♥️♥️

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  • Whakawhetai koe!!! : Thank you!!! ♥️♥️♥️

      11 June 2023
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    $845 in 24 hours is an amazing response!!! Thank you all soooo much for your care & support!!! If you haven’t already and are willing & able could you please share the link to our give-a-little page with your friends?

    You can copy the link and share it on your social media, by text or email with your friends & whanau.

    We appreciate your continuing support!!! Aroha nui!!! ♥️♥️♥️

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  • The second half in place…

      9 June 2023
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    After spending the day on the back of the truck the second half of the station was slowly & gently eased on to her new foundations.

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  • As she sits now…

      9 June 2023
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    The first half of the station to be brought to the site. This is after she was damaged by fire as the second half was being transported in.

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