UPDATE - Money Raised Thank you!! - Raising funds for Melody Klein Ovink's life saving surgery in America

$70,924 of $70,799 goal
Given by 746 generous donors in 10 days

Melody has a rare condition known as a spinal AVM which is inoperable in New Zealand. We are raising funds for her surgery in America.

Bay of Plenty

Dear wonderful people,

We have just heard the most amazing news- the Ministry of Health is going to financially contribute the rest of what we need to make this treatment journey possible!!

As such we stopping the Give a Little page at the amount currently raised as we have achieved our goal!! We will be keeping the page open in order to reply to all the comments and thank everyone on this platform.

We have been beyond amazed at the incredible generosity of friends, family and so many people who don't know us personally. Each and every gift has bolstered our spirits after what has been a challenging time since Melody's diagnosis. As a family we can’t even come close to express how grateful we are - please receive our deepest thanks.

Thank you to all of you who have written words of love and strength and also to those who are praying for our family, and especially for Melody, throughout this journey.

Ngā mihi nui xx


Melody is a kind, generous, hardworking 24-year old with a passion for life. She enjoys caring for others as a physio at Tauranga Hospital.

Last year she was diagnosed with a rare condition known as a C2-C3 spinal AVM (arterio-venous malformation), which is located high up inside her spinal cord. The severe pain she was admitted into hospital for was caused by a bleed from blood vessels within the AVM. Neurosurgeons believe that since Melody has had one bleed, the risk of another bleed is much greater as the blood vessel walls inside the AVM can weaken over time. A future bleed would likely result in quadriplegia or death. The complexity and rarity of Melody's condition means that no New Zealand neurosurgeons have the experience to operate on her.

Good news though! Specialist vascular neurosurgeons at the Barrow Neurological Institute in America have reviewed Melody's case and are confident that they could surgically remove the AVM, providing a complete cure for her condition. Unfortunately, as health care is private in America and the treatment is so specialised, the cost of surgery, postoperative care and rehabilitation required is significant, with the final quote being $470,000 (NZD).

Melody is so thankful to have this life saving treatment opportunity and is currently saving and fundraising so she can go to America for treatment as soon as possible.

The Klein Ovink family appreciate the support and care that they have been shown by so many wonderful people over the past months. As a community let’s gather with Melody and her family and continue to show her our support, because giving a little makes a big difference.

For those who want to follow along Melody's fundraising and treatment journey follow this link: https://m.facebook.com/groups/305242384313259?group_view_referrer=search

For more information on Melody's condition follow this link: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/spinal-arteriovenous-malformation/symptoms-causes/syc-20355613

Ngā mihi nui / Thank you so much!

chloe wilson's involvement (page creator)

I am Melody's best friend who is helping her and her family raise the funds for surgery.

Use of funds

Pre-operative testing, embolization, surgery to remove the AVM, post-operative intensive care, and inpatient rehabilitation.

Latest update

Amount fully raised - THANK YOU   29 April 2021

Dear wonderful people,

We have just heard the most amazing news- the Ministry of Health is going to financially contribute the rest of what we need to make this treatment journey possible!!

As such we stopping the Give a Little page at the amount currently raised as we have achieved our goal!! We will reply to all the comments and thank everyone on this platform.

We have been beyond amazed at the incredible generosity of friends, family and so many people who don't know us personally. Each and every gift has bolstered our spirits after what has been a challenging time since Melody's diagnosis. As a family we can’t even come close to express how grateful we are - please receive our deepest thanks!

Thank you to all of you who have written words of love and strength and also to those who are praying for our family, and especially for Melody, throughout this journey.

Ngā mihi nui xx

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Latest donations

Jane on 29 Apr 2021
Sarah on 29 Apr 2021
Angela Fowler
Angela Fowler on 29 Apr 2021
Emma on 29 Apr 2021
Samantha on 29 Apr 2021    Going Bald for Melody!

Who's involved?

chloe wilson's avatar
Created by chloe wilson
MaryAnn Klein Ovink's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of MaryAnn Klein Ovink on behalf of Melody Klein Ovink
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This campaign started on 18 Apr 2021 and ended on 29 Apr 2021.