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Help Julie get thymoma surgery

  • Biopsy results are in

      24 November 2022
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    The biopsy results are in, and Julie has had a run-down from the doctors at Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

    The results show that the tumour would have spread and become malignant. Doctors told her that it was very large, and if it hadn’t been found and removed, it would have been terminal.

    Fortunately, they were able to confirm that because it was removed in its entirety during her surgery, there is no need for further treatment. She is in the clear!

    Julie’s overwhelming feeling is one of elation and gratitude. She is thankful to be here, to be able to see her girls grow up, and for the incredible support she has received. She is so, so glad that she made the leap and moved to New Zealand - the medical checks involved in the residency application process are the reason the tumour was found in time.

    Julie, her family, and all of us behind her are so thankful to each and every one of you who contributed to this cause - we know now that you have helped to save her life. ❤️

    With the tumour behind them, Julie and Tom are now able to move forward with their lives. They have just been granted New Zealand residency, and have decided to get married next year. There’s plenty to look forward to and we know they’ll build a happy life for their little family.

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    • 25/11/2022 by Anthony

      Fantastic News. My Best Wishes and love to you and your family. ❤️

    • 25/11/2022 by Clare

      I am so thrilled and delighted to hear such fantastic and joyous news!

      All the best to you Julie and your family.

      Early Merry Christmas greetings.

  • Surgery complete! ✅

      12 October 2022
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    We are so happy to report that Julie had her surgery yesterday and all went well! Surgeons were able to remove the tumour in its entirety, which is the ideal outcome. Julie is now recovering in ICU at Wakefield Hospital and will hopefully be moved to a ward soon. She’s in some pain, but says it is the most incredible feeling of relief to know that she is rid of the tumour. It will now go to be biopsied, and we’ll have the results in a couple of weeks. All going well, Julie will be discharged at the end of the week and able to see her girls again.

    Thank you again to everyone who has made this surgery possible. Your generosity has made an incredible difference in the lives of Julie and her family. We are all so grateful!

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    • 14/10/2022 by Clare

      So glad to hear that Julie is recovering. All the best to Julie, her family, loved ones, and everyone who supported her. God Bless everyone

  • 🎉🎉 WE MADE IT! 🎉🎉

      1 October 2022
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    🎉🎉 WE MADE IT! 🎉🎉

    We have reached our target and Julie will get her surgery!

    We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, kindness and support for this lovely young family. Raising $48,000 was a huge task, but you have all helped us achieve it and we are so grateful.


    A message from Julie:

    I am not sure how to find the right words to express what I am feeling right now! 27 days ago I thought this would be impossible. What an incredible journey it has been, proving that something stressful can also be beautiful. The kindness, generosity and messages of support have blown us away, given us strength and made us feel so lucky to be part of this incredible community. I don't know how to say a big enough thank you, but THANK YOU to each and every one of you, from here and the UK, for getting us here. ❤️ Myself, Tom, Luna and Bee are eternally grateful and are still having to pinch ourselves! Now we can focus on getting the surgery done and hopefully put this nightmare behind us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!


    The surgery is booked for 11 October, so please send good vibes in Julie’s direction! We are hoping for the very best outcome and will provide an update to let you know how it goes.

    From here, we will leave the Givealittle open, and anything received over and above the $48,000 cost of the surgery will be used to cover the costs of any complications, as well as travel, accommodation for Julie’s support person, and family expenses during Julie’s recovery.

    From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to every single person who has donated, large or small. You have made an incredible difference to Julie, Tom, Luna and Bee.


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  • Surgery cost increased to $48,000

      24 September 2022
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    Two steps forward, one step back. We’ve just had the final quote for the surgery from Wakefield Hospital, and it’s $48,000 - higher than the ballpark figures previously given. It’s been tough news when we were so close to our target, but we’ve also been on the receiving end of some amazing kindness from the hospital staff, including some offering to perform their part for free, and we are hugely grateful for that.

    We’ve raised the Givealittle goal to match the new cost and now have $13k left to raise, with only two weeks until the surgery date. We are so thankful for every donation and every message of support. The kindness coming Julie’s way at such a vulnerable time has been incredibly powerful, and we’ve all been brought to tears on multiple occasions. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. ❤️

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    • 04/10/2022 by Anthony

      Fantastic News.

      My very best wishes for your surgery giving you all you have wanted. Lots of 💕

    • 13/10/2022 by Anthony

      Fantastic News. My sincere Best Wishes for the future.

  • **Only 10k to go!**

      17 September 2022
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    We have been completely blown away by the donations coming in from across New Zealand and the world - thank you to everyone who has contributed! We are reading every message and are so thankful for the kindness and support. Your generosity is making a world of difference to Julie, Tom, Luna and Bee.

    We are $30,000 down with $10,000 left to raise - let’s get Julie this surgery!

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      12 September 2022
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    ❤️ THANK YOU! ❤️

    Your support has helped us raise $10k toward Julie’s surgery - a quarter of our $40k goal! Julie has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity and kindness. We are so proud to be part of such an amazing community.

    We still have a long way to go, so please keep the support coming. We are so grateful for every contribution.


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