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Financial Relief during Alejandra's Terminal Cancer and Palliative Care Stage

  • Alejandra's Final Days

      12 December 2022
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    It is with deep sadness that I share with your Alejandra died peacefully on Saturday morning 10th December.

    It has been an emotional journey for her family and friends and is hard to put into words the impact that a death like this has on her community.

    She has spent the last couple of days at her home surrounded and covered in flowers and aroha.

    Her children have been amazing and along with her cousins, they have all guided the adults naturally in how to navigate this tough journey.

    She will be farewelled on Tuesday 13th December in Christchurch overlooking the ocean and surrounded by family and friends.

    My words can't do justice in this time. Please spare a thought for Alejandra and her courageous fight, her two beautiful children and her tower of strength husband as they farewell their beloved mother and wife.

    While her physical body is no more, she will live on in our hearts, memories, thoughts and in spirit.

    Go well my friend, I miss you so much xx


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  • Update: Alejandra is in her final days

      9 December 2022
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    I know there have been so many messages and so much love being shared with Alejandra and her family throughout this journey and especially during the time Alejandra has been in Hospice.

    Alejandra stopped eating a couple of days ago and and is now in a state of sleep all day. It is a hard time for the family knowing that the conversations they have had with her this week will be no more. The hope of a miracle and the heartache of knowing what is coming are hard to balance.

    Talking to children about death is very confronting and Dan has had those hard conversations with the children to prepare them and support them. No parent ever wants to go through this.

    Please continue to send your love and thoughts to Dan, the children, Chichi (Ale's mum) and the rest of Alejandra's family and friends as they approach her final time on this earth.

    Kia hora te marino, Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te Kārohirohi i mua i tōu huarahi.

    May the calm be widespread, May the ocean glisten as greenstone, May the shimmer of light ever dance across your pathway.

    Spanish: Que la calma muy extendida, de mayo el brillo de mar como de piedra verde, que el resplandor de la luz cada vez la danza a través de tu vía.

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  • Update from Hospice

      2 December 2022
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    Kia ora koutou

    Alejandra, Dan and the family are so grateful for all the support that has come their way and again over the time Alejandra has been in Hospice.

    Friends and family have been delivering meals to the house, visiting, checking in, sending love, taking the kids to school, vacuuming, and cleaning windows.

    And then at the hospice, Alejandra has had some lovely times with family each day and we managed to organise an early Christmas party for Alejandra and her family last Saturday.

    One of the school parents organised some gifts from our school fair for Alejandra to give to her children for Christmas and she wrote a beautiful card to them both.

    It's these special memories that are so treasured by everyone supporting the family.

    Last weekend Alejandra was full of energy which was amazing. She was rested and the medications she is on are helping manage her pain really well.

    This week she has felt very tired and has slept more and more during the day. Visiting times have been limited at her request to ensure she has much of her awake time with her children.

    The other day her children got some hand cream and massaged her legs. When I asked her how the massage was from her children she said 'I wouldn't really call it a massage'. She still has her sense of humour!

    The team surrounding her at Nurse Maude have been incredible. She could not be in better hands. So much support, care and kindness is shown throughout the day. Two days ago some dogs visited Alejandra that are specially trained for hospice - it was beautiful to watch.

    For those on here who are close friends and family unable to be here in person, your love from afar is felt deeply.

    Both Dan and Alejandra are finding calls & messages exhausting so appreciate your understanding as they prioritise hugs & love over time on devices - but the many messages of aroha(love) & support are deeply felt & appreciated.

    Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawanui

    (Be Strong, Be steadfast, Be Willing)

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  • Update on Alejandra's Journey 17 November

      17 November 2022
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    Kia ora all

    Sorry, it has been a little while since our last update.

    Over the past month, Alejandra has been having a lot of pain and the Nurse Maude team and the team at the palliative care home have been working hard to get her into a more balanced state. This can be a challenge but they have made progress and Ale and Dan understand more about how to manage the pain and with what medication and when.

    During this time a 7-day stay at the hospice helped to get the medication right and now it is being managed at home with support visits from Nurse Maude.

    She has continued on with natural medicines to help support both her body and her well-being. This page has been a huge help in supporting this - so thank you again for your contributions.

    Over the past month, she has had some nice visits with friends, both in town and out of town and a weekend over at a holiday home in Port Levy for some quality family time.

    All these moments are so special, creating memories for the family.

    Today I took Alejandra out and we went to the beach first for a sit in a cafe and then a lovely rainy walk. She didn't mind one bit! It was nice to put cancer to the side and just talk about all the other life stuff for a while.

    Her mum's visa was approved too, which is wonderful news for Alejandra to have her mother's continued support by her side.

    Alejandra is starting to plan her Christmas and summer. While there are many tough times, having things to look forward to and plans in place continue to give hope and provide joy each day.

    Here are a couple of photos from today.

    Many thanks and I will keep you updated again soon.


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  • The Star - Newspaper story 6th October

      7 October 2022
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    As mentioned in the previous update Alejandra was interviewed by a local journalist earlier in the week. It was quite a surprise to find out that she ended up making the front page of The Star newspaper here in Christchurch!

    If you don't live in Christchurch or you didn't see the article here is the online version for you:

    I want to extend a huge thank you to those who have seen the article and have since made a donation to my beautiful friend Alejandra. It has been incredible the response and I know that it will be such a help and relief during this challenging time. Thank you all so much!


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  • Update and thank you - 4th October

      4 October 2022
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    Kia ora everyone,

    I have just added some photos of the family to the page so please check them out.

    Since we started this page Alejandra, Dan and their family have been so humbled by the amazing community that continues to surround them. They thank you very much from the bottom of their hearts for all that this has given them.

    Alejandra had a bumpy week last week when they took the drip out of her arm hoping that the pain would stay away. Unfortunately, it didn't so the drip is back in and for Alejandra, this actually really helps as it means she doesn't have such big spikes of pain.

    Added to this Alejandra's mother's humanity visa' extension application was submitted and that is a great weight lifted off the family to get that in.

    One of the driving reasons to start this page was to help with some other unfunded medications. Alejandra was really happy with her first round of vitamin C treatment last week, in fact, she had 2. They are about $200 for each injection which is crazy but she felt really good after having them and will continue to do so.

    I personally loved seeing the photos of them which are at the beach over the last day or so. For Alejandra those small things are the memories she is wanting for her family.

    Yesterday Alejandra was interviewed for a local newspaper too. So I will share that when it has been printed.

    Many thanks again on behalf of the family.


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