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Relief for Refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine

$34,364 donated
Given by 105 generous donors in 18 days

Raising funds to help support as many refugees as possible fleeing from the Russian/Ukrainian war.


We are a family from New Zealand living in Hungary. Our neighbouring country, Ukraine, is facing a difficult war with Russia. Hungary has so far had 85,000 refugees cross its borders and the government estimates 600,000 to come. Many are mothers and young children as most men have had to stay to defend their country. Most refugees only have the clothes on their backs. We are hosting refugees in our own home and trying to supply many others with basic items such as clothing, food, drink, toiletries, nappies, medicines, masks, sleeping bags, mattresses etc. All funding will be spent on these types of supplies purchased by us and personally delivered to refugees arriving into train stations in Budapest, or at the refugee stations around the city where they first go to receive help, and/or to those posted to stay with us. You can be sure at least 93% of your money will go directly to helping refugees. (This is allowing for givealittle fees and currency exchange fees)

Sonja Chisnall's involvement (page creator)

Refugees entering our city and country

Use of funds

Accommodation and supplies such as clothing, food, drink, toiletries, nappies, medicines, masks, sleeping bags, mattresses, batteries, torches, tents etc

Latest update

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An update for those interested..  5 April 2022


We would like you to know that with your donations we have been able to continue to help displaced refugees as much as possible. This means most nights we continue to host families. On the occasions our house has been full we have been able to put groups up for a night or two in a local hotel or bed and breakfast type accommodation. We have also been able to help two families settle into semi permanent apartments here in Szeged. Buy the basic things to set them up including SIM cards, basic household items, educational books and toys for the children etc. We have also made some more supply donations to those displaced within Ukraine.

We have paused the fundraising page as we had received a generous amount and it is enough for what we are capable of using to help at the moment and in the near future.

Many thanks again,

Royce and Sonja.

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Latest donations

Shirley on 23 Mar 2022
May things work out for you. S & W Giltrap
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Mar 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Mar 2022
Wonderful you can help. Kia Kaha & much Aroha from NZ
Cam, Tommy, Sheree
Cam, Tommy, Sheree on 21 Mar 2022
Thanks for your great work.
W &S
W &S on 20 Mar 2022
You’re doing a great job there!

Who's involved?

Sonja Chisnall's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sonja Chisnall on behalf of Ukrainian refugees
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This campaign started on 4 Mar 2022 and ended on 23 Mar 2022.