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Remembering Nick Ryan

  • The Unveiling

      2 December 2022
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    Hi All, This morning we unveiled the two plaques to commemorate Nick. We received $8375.50 nett from your contributions to the Givealittle page. $1900 went to WCC for the bench, $2,300 to Weta for the materials. Weta were so generous in giving all of their design creativity and labour including installation gratis! Thank you so much to Sir Richard Taylor and the designer. We're pleased to report the remaining balance of $4,175.50 has been donated to The Depression Recovery Trust as a contribution to the fitout they are undertaking for a Wellington Centre. A big shout out of thank you to Andrew Cotterrell for all his perserverance in managing everything else to get this great memorial to Nick achieved!

    We hope this will provide a calm space for you all to take a seat on the beach with our much missed Nick. Thanks again for your support.

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  • Remembering Nick & Depression Recovery Trust

      21 November 2022

    Hi All, a great result that we have had the two plaques made & they will be unveiled on Friday 2nd December at 9am at the seat, childrens playpark next to Freyburg Pool. It would be great if you are able to join us for the unveiling. Thanks for all your support. All extra funds are being donated to Depression Recovery Trust at the time. If you didn’t get a chance to donate, bring a few $ and we will collect & hand over directly to Depression Recovery Trust on the day. See you there!

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