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Replacement Rescue Vessel Campaign - Coastguard Nelson

$8,016 donated
Given by 40 generous donors in 3 years

Saving Lives at Sea

Nelson / Tasman

We need YOUR help to #SaveLivesAtSea! Our current Coastguard Rescue Vessel is becoming old and worn, and makes our job of saving YOU when you need us most, that much more challenging.

Our new state of the art, extreme weather rescue vessel will bridge that gap and mean we can operate in harsher conditions, for longer periods of time, and go further than we ever have before, that will serve the Nelson, Tasman, and Golden Bays community for the 20 plus years.

The operational area of responsibility we are tasked with is one of New Zealand's largest, from Stevens Island at the top of D'Urville all the way to Whanganui Inlet on the West Coast, and everything else in-between. In the past year alone, Coastguard Nelson have carried out 58 potential lifesaving rescues, relied on its volunteers for 150 hours of fundraising time, and spent 335 hours at sea.

Simply, without YOUR help we would't be able to continue doing what we do best, which is Saving Lives at Sea, and we want to be able to do this for years to come in the future, so YOU can enable us to do that by supporting us in our Replacement Rescue Vessel Campaign.

About us

Nelson Volunteer Coastguard is a locally based charity, funded by the donations from the Nelson, Tasman and Golden Bays community it serves, by providing a dedicated maritime search and rescue safety net for those who find themselves in trouble at sea.

Coastguard Nelson - The Charity Saving Lives at Sea

Use of funds

Funds will go towards the acquisition of the new purpose built rescue vessel

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Latest update

re opening our page  17 September 2020

By mistake we let the page close. we are still campaigning for funds towards our new Rescue Vessel which is under construction. Check out build pictures at

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Latest donations

Odette on 21 Dec 2020
Coastguard Nelson

Thank you Odette for your support. Coastguard Nelson

Coastguard Nelson
Paul on 11 Dec 2020
Robert on 15 Oct 2020
As promised Harry!
Cable Bay Kayaks
Cable Bay Kayaks on 18 Jun 2020
Keep up the good work
ALAN on 27 Feb 2020

Who's involved?

Coastguard Nelson's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Coastguard Nelson (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 13 Mar 2018 and ended on 30 Apr 2021.