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Restoration of 1935 Pontiac Coupe stolen 46 years ago from me.

$1,410 donated
Given by 48 generous donors in one year

I bought this car in '68 as a young teen. 4 years later it was stolen. Found 46 years later and needs restoration.

Bay of Plenty

I need to restore this extremely rare car.

You can see updates here.... https://www.facebook.com/clive.macann

And live National TV here.... https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2367222660157825

Newspaper coverage here.... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3078576035516263&set=pcb.3078576692182864&type=3&theater


My situation is about a lost car which, to a lot of people, is neither here nor there.

1n 1965 at the age of 13 our family moved from Auckland to Palmerston North to start a new life. ( I live in New Zealand by the way)

Just down the road from where we lived was an old Pontiac Coupe.

I fell in love with it.

I chatted to the guy that owned it and found he may be interested in selling it at some stage.

He was not in a hurry so I put a plan in place to buy it from him.

I found a job delivering newspapers and a school holiday job repairing umbrellas at Lethabys Umbrella Factory. I saved every cent I earned and had no life outside my dream.

At 15 I left school and got an Apprenticeship in Construction.

I was then able to buy the car, which I did. It was my pride and joy for years.

I drove it around and looked after it best I could.

The gearbox eventually failed and I took it off the road to get repaired.

I found a shed to store it in while I saved to get parts to fix it.

When I went back to begin the work, the car was gone.

I reported it to the police one night and was told if it had no wof ( in NZ we have a 6 monthly Warrant of Fitness on all vehicles when they are allowed on the roads) and wasn’t on the road they wouldn’t bother with the paperwork and sent me home.

I cried for several days after that. I was shattered.

For the next 45 years, I spent a lot of time looking for that car, including posting heaps of wanted ads on the Internet when that came on board.

One day a friend of mine said he saw it for sale and, yes, he was right. It was my car.

I just wanted my baby back home.

I am now 67 and live on a pension.

I have no money but enough genuine friends that I can hopefully depend on to get the car back home and restored.

I can supply more information to anyone who wants to donate or even sponsor this restoration.

Just thanks for taking the time to read this.


PS. Click on my FaceBook link below for more pics of the Pontiac in a state of disrepair.

Use of funds

Complete restoration of this 1935 Pontiac 3 window Coupe that was recovered after being stolen 46 years ago.

There are many pieces missing and it is a very rare car and deserves nothing better than to be on the road once again.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Jul 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Jul 2019
Such a cool story and awesome car, it needs to be restored!
Lew Bonnington
Lew Bonnington on 23 Jul 2019
I am stoked you got it back. Looking forward to watching the rebuild progress. 😊
Ben on 22 Jul 2019
Good luck! Hope you are able to get the parts- worth getting a parts car
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Jul 2019
Good luck!

Who's involved?

Clive Macann's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Clive Macann
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This campaign started on 7 Jul 2019 and ended on 7 Jul 2020.