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Restoration of 1935 Pontiac Coupe stolen 46 years ago from me.

on 22 Jul 2019

Ben asks

Hi there Clive,

Sorry to hear about your car- they are indeed beautiful! I have a 1935 Pontiac 4 dr touring sedan, and live in Auckland. I bought the car from Hamilton in 2015 when I was 14 years old, and since then it has been my pride and joy, taking it into school was humorous, no one had the faintest idea what it was; the closest guess I got was “is it a 1950s Bedford?”! Since I have gotten the car, I have struggled to find much information about these cars in NZ, other than that it was owned by a motor trimmer in Hamilton who bought it new. Do you know anything else about these cars?

Also if you need any pictures of parts or some info out of the shop manual, I’d be happy to help.

Kind regards,

Ben Creemers


Hi there Ben. Nice to hear from a fellow oner. These Pontiacs are coming out of the woodwork thick and fast. Be really nice to catch up. Do you have FaceBook? or an email address we can exchange? Thankyou heaps for the donation. As you know, every cent helps and old cars need help. Cheers. Clive. You can contact me at 49lincolncoupe

Clive Macann
on 8 Jul 2019

Ripu asks

Hi mate,

No worries. Would only need about 5 minutes of your time for a chat though!



Thanks for the chat. Be nice to catch up.

Clive Macann
on 8 Jul 2019

Ripu asks

Hi mate,

I’m Ripu Bhatia, a journalist from Stuff.

I’d love to write a story on your Givealittle page, it seems like a fascinating story.

It would help the page get a lot more publicity and you’ll probably raise a lot more money!

Give me a call on 027 278 5711.

Kind regards,

Ripu Bhatia


Hi there Ripu.

Can I get back to you in 2 weeks?

Just have a ton of stuff going on at the moment.

It sounds like a great idea.


Clive & Vicki Macann


6453b State Highway 1


Atiamuri 3078

Clive: 027 201 2468

Vicki: 027 871 7675

Clive Macann

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