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Rocco's Journey - A Wish to Walk

  • We are off to America!

      16 April 2024
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    The Give A Little page has now closed and we wanted to express how grateful we are to all who donated, sent words of encouragement and shared the page with their family and friends. The funds raised via Give a Little & other fundraising events has surpassed our original goal and Rocco is heading to America at the beginning of May for surgery and to have his life changed. He has also been able to access private physical therapy sessions in the lead up to his trip to build up his strength as much as possible, and this will continue post surgery. This would not have been possible without your generosity and we cannot thank you all enough for your support!

    Follow Rocco’s Facebook page to keep up to date with his progress -

    Thank you!

    The Green Family

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  • Thank you everyone!

      17 July 2023

    We are so grateful for all the donations and shares of this page, thank you all!

    We have created a website with more info about Rocco and the surgery -

    We will also be posting about upcoming fundraising events we are working on so stay tuned.

    Love from The Greens

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