To help with surgery and follow-up care for Rupert.
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong." W.R. Purche
Those of you who know Rupert will be aware of his obsession with tennis balls.
Recently, his addiction literally sent him over the edge. He blindly chased a ball off a bank landing a couple of metres below onto the road.
Off to Animal A&E (nearby thankfully) where x-rays were taken. The next day a specialist took more x-rays (under sedation) and confirmed surgery would be needed.
Diagnosis - severe carpal injury
Treatment plan - Right pancarpal arthrodesis (I know, Google it)
What that means for Rupes - 6 weeks confinement followed by 8-10 weeks low activity (on-lead only)
Please help us get Rupert back on his feet if you can xx woof
I am a friend of Kerry and Rupert, with a new puppy myself. I am hoping we can all pitch in to get Rupert active again.
Surgery and follow-up treatment.
Awe ... thanks you guys. We hope Lewie is on the mend too. Love from Kerry + Rupes xx woof 🐾
Thanks Prince. Sorry to bail so early from your party. I hope we didn't steal your thunder. Love Kerry + Rupert xx woof 🐾
Thanks so much Trace + Jessie. Hope to see you both soon. Maybe at the Fowlds Park annual. If not, before. Kerry + Rupes xx woof 🐾
Thank you Yvonne. Rupes and Kerry xx woof
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