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HELP Ryan Catley

  • Ryans on the Home Stretch

      4 September 2023
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    After legs in casts Ryan is able to get up on his feet now and is walking with support of a frame, he is putting on weight and getting muscle strength back. We still have a way to go but each day is a day closer to getting home.

    Thank you for your support, care and well wishes, we couldnt have gone through this with out you.

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  • The July News on Ryan

      18 July 2023
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    After 6 weeks in Waikato hospital Ryan has moved to the Abi unit in West Auckland, where he will start his journey to getting back on his feet and walking again. Ryan is able to use his right hand to feed himself but still very limited movement with left arm.

    Been in Abi Unit for a week and his feeding tube is playing up, Ryan has lost alot of weight and was not able to eat enough, he is trying hard now he's conscious. This week a screw is poking out of his left arm so the bad news is Ryan will need to go back to Waikato Hospital for surgery to remove that too, so now waiting for a bed.

    Ryan has been absolutely blown away by the amazing support he has received, he is so grateful.

    A part from this hiccup he is well on the road to recovery and he can't wait to get home to see you all.

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  • Week 3

      18 June 2023

    Ryan has been moved to High-dependency unit, HDU (Waikato Hosptal) on Friday. He is off his sedation but very slow to wake. He is still on a ventilator but mainly breathing on his own. Ryan is unable to move on his own still but that should come with time. Still have a very long road ahead of us, but we will get there.

    Hayley and Richard have been overwhelmed at the support and love shown through this tough time.

    "Thank you all, for this amazing support."

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