Support Savannah - Be part of my journey

$18,030 donated
Given by 211 generous donors in one year

Please take the time to read my story, i have Stage 4 Cancer & I'm struggling financially. please consider contributing to help cover costs.

Hamilton, Waikato

Dear Friends, Family, and Supporters,

As some of you already know, I recently received a life-altering diagnosis: Stage 4 Squamous Cell Carcinoma in my larynx and thyroid. At 26 years old, I'm preparing for a total Laryngectomy, involving the removal of my voice box & thyroid, resulting in a permanent stoma (hole in my neck) & speaking valve. After surgery, my battle continues with radiation therapy & chemotherapy.

Besides the emotional toll this has taken on me, my family & friends, there are financial challenges too. While most medical costs are covered, unforeseen expenses have emerged.

Fertility preservation is vital but only partially funded.

My immune system has been heavily impacted by the steroids I was put on for the last 6 months.

Dietary changes & supplements are essential to prepare for (and recover from) surgery, among other costs like potentially a chemotherapy hat to prevent my hair falling out & help to cover transportation.

Currently, I rely on a limited medical benefit. It covers essentials like rent, power, & some groceries, but falls short for these other expenses.

I rarely ask for help, but if you are in a position to donate, it would mean the world to me. Your support will ease these unexpected costs & help me prepare for surgery and recovery, giving me a chance to reclaim my life.

Thank you for reading my story & supporting me through these challenging times. Your generosity, regardless of size, will profoundly impact my life.

With much appreciation,


Use of funds

Fertility and egg freezing costs


Health Supplements

Multiple Therapies (therapy, physical therapy, fertility therapy)


Latest donations

Becky on 13 Jun 2024
Your comments inspired me here in the UK. Stay well & keep positive ❣️
Debbie on 08 Jun 2024
Sami on 08 Jun 2024
Love to a very brave and beautiful girl, Savannah 🩷
Cees on 06 Jun 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Apr 2024
Think of you so often and hope you are doing ok xx

Who's involved?

Savannah Leith Robb's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Savannah Leith Robb
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This campaign started on 3 Sep 2023 and ended on 3 Sep 2024.