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Say YES to Young Enterprise 2020 Donation Appeal

$7,670 donated
Given by 26 generous donors in 5 weeks

YES 2020 has kicked off and so has our donation appeal. Help us invest in more students because we know what we do is life changing


2019 was our biggest year yet with more programmes, events and student participation than ever before.

However this all comes at a cost, and we need the financial support of our raving fans to continue our work and even upscale our efforts because we know what we do is life changing.

We make a difference in the lives of our young people, as well as impacting New Zealand's social and economic prosperity by creating an awareness of the need for enterprise and financial education.

We work with primary and secondary schools as we believe it is best to foster these skills and attributes from a young age. We have been operating since the early 1980s and impact over 100,000 students a year. Students and alumni tell us what a difference we make.

...."I never thought a passion for business could take me so far at only sixteen. YES has been the best year of my life. I am inspired to be the best I can.”

About us

YES will take your bold ideas and help you make them big. Ready when you are.

Use of funds

It costs $400 per student for us to deliver The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme programme. Of this we only charge $35, your donation helps us cover the difference.

We will also use fund for furthering our feeder programmes in the junior levels.

Latest donations

Elizabeth on 31 Mar 2020
Hope this continues to fund coffee for the office ;)
Ryan on 30 Mar 2020
Young Enterprise Trust

Thanks for your donation Ryan! We love seeing YES alum paying it forward. We really appreciate it!

Young Enterprise Trust
PasGro on 26 Mar 2020
You never forget the benefits that YES provided - after nearly 40 years. For another student in 2020.
Young Enterprise Trust

Thanks for your generosity, Paul! We love hearing alum talk about the benefits of YES. Your donation will really help our YES Class of 2020.

Young Enterprise Trust
Private Donor
Private Donor on 24 Mar 2020
Keep up the great work in these challenging times.
Young Enterprise Trust

Thanks for your kind donation! It's so appreciated, especially in these uncertain times.

Young Enterprise Trust
Cecilia on 22 Mar 2020
Young Enterprise Trust

Cecilia, you are so wonderful! Thank you so much for your kind generosity!

Young Enterprise Trust

Who's involved?

Young Enterprise Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Young Enterprise Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 27 Feb 2020 and ended on 3 Apr 2020.