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Piimio has scholarship with Huntsville Ballet Co

  • Yay! Distinction in my exam!

      24 September 2015
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    We just got our results back for our final Vocational Ballet exam RAD Advanced 2, and I've kept on track - I got Distinction again!

    I'm so happy :D I was actually a little worried cos being away from class in Philadelphia for most of last term only gave me a few weeks to practice up when I got back, and I muffled a few of the exercises.

    It's only just hitting me...I've got my final exam under my belt and will have ARAD after my name soon (Associate of Royal Academy of Dance)...crazy...It's done! I'm so blown away!! :D

    And heaps of hugs and thanks to Mum, my bros and sis-in-law, my ballet teachers and all our friends who believed in me and helped me financially and with time and skills right from the my whanau all over - Kapiti, Christchurch, Wellington, Wairoa, and in Aust - for the aroha and keeping me connected to my my new friends and teachers in the US...and all the "strangers" who donated through Givealittle this've all helped me climb my first big mountain - thank you everybody so much!!!

    Onward and upward! :D xo

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  • Patience is a Virtue

      24 September 2015
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    Oh gosh, OK...I obviously need to learn patience...Real rollercoaster this month!

    I've had to postpone taking up my scholarship to Huntsville til next year. We just couldn't get all the funds together so fast for my return tickets, as required by US Visas.

    We rang Mr Otto, and he's happy for me to come next September instead - he's such a great guy :) As he said, things happen as they are meant to, so I'm sure I'll see the wisdom in waiting as the year progresses...

    For starters, Mum and I are actually really grateful that the stress level has dropped right's been an incredible year, exciting and stimulating, but we realise now we need some "down time" to catch up.

    I'm enjoying my dancing so much with my new confidence level, and seeing how I actually dance better when I'm more relaxed...I'm having more fun just letting myself be at last :)

    I'm enrolling in the Whitireia Performing Arts (Dance) course so I can dance full-time next year. That will keep me fit and catch me up on my Jazz and Contemporary. I'll do extra ballet on the side to keep up my classical skills for Huntsville next September :) Actually, I'm really looking forward to next year, it will be fun!

    Meantime, I'm getting a part-time job to save towards my airfares to Huntsville, so I don't have to rely on all you generous people next time.

    Thanks for being there - you've been such an inspiration! xo

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  • My Last RAD exam today

      31 August 2015
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    I can't believe I've just done my last RAD ballet exam this afternoon - Advanced 2! It's been such a crazy year, that all of a sudden it was here, and now it's over...

    I think it went OK, and at least I was reasonably calm this time - was even enjoying it mostly :) But it still feels really weird... When I pass, I will get A.R.A.D. after my name - wow! After 4 1/2 crazy years of manic work and stress, I'm here, I'll soon have my ballet qualification...YES! Glorious, impossibly difficult Ballet, I love you! :D And, thank you, Miss Helen, for all your loving patience in my private lessons xo

    I just feel kinda weird and quiet...strange :) And I'm so looking forward to getting over to Huntsville to train with Mr Otto...

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  • Getting over jet lag

      17 August 2015
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    Oh man, what a week getting over the jet lag of flying home over the top of the world via China! Took nearly 3 days to get from NYC to our own front door...can't complain though, as it was a really cheap student flight courtesy of China Southern :)

    Check out my pix in the gallery.

    My friend, Lamar, from the Summer Intensive at The Rock, arranged a free photo shoot for us. He was my partner in one of the dances at the final performance.

    I had a fantastic 5 weeks dancing in Philadelphia! I didn't care about my sore feet from all the pointe work; I just loved dancing all day, everyday!! And I made some good friends who I hope to be dancing with in a company somewhere, someday.

    Meantime, I'm practising hard for my RAD Advanced 2 exam on August 31. My jet lag head has been a challenge, going dizzy all the time, but it's coming right gradually :)

    Also, of course, I'm so excited to have been chosen for the full scholarship at Huntsville Ballet - Mr Otto is a great teacher and choreographer, so I can't wait to be there! In early September, he's holding company auditions for parts in The Nutcracker, so I sure hope I make it over round then :)

    I can't believe I'll be in a pre-professional ballet programme this year! AND, I'll be a student ballet company member! Thank you to everyone who helped me get to Philly...just one more year, and I will become a professional =D

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