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Sensory playground for students with disabilities

  • The digger has levelled the site

      7 November 2022

    Great news for all our donors. The site has been levelled thanks to Steve Mora for donating his time and talents to clearing our site on Friday. We have put a 40% deposit down on the all weather accessible ground cover for under the equipment. The swings and the trampolines have also had a 40% deposit put down on them and hopefully our funding after 3 more donations are confirmed will bring our target to $91k which is what the costs have increased to now. With deposits being made the price is now fixed. The equipment will arrive in January and be ready to be installed so that it will be finished hopefully by the beginning of 2023 school year.

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  • The update on fundraising for Upland Sensory Playground at Hillmorton High School

      4 July 2022

    We are very excited and grateful to our donors from our Givealittle Page, The Lions, Lamar Trust, Fonterra, Ravensdown, and pledges from the Freemasons and Cashmere Rotary to say that we have $70,000 raised or pledged. We are still looking for $20,000 before we can start building our playground. We will continue to approach charities and trusts to help us. If anyone has any ideas or want to donate please do not hesitate to contact Jacinta Grice at Hillmorton High School. This is exciting we are three quarters of the way there.

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  • Great news - we are nearly half way there!

      2 March 2022

    Over the last 3 months we have been trying to raise approximately $80,000 and we are at the half way mark. We have had some very generous donations and we have raised approximately $40,000 towards our sensory playground. We are continue to put in applications to charities and companies to support but every little bit helps. Please spread the word and help us make the Sensory Playground our reality.

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