Ngā Manu works with Manaaki Kāpiti to pass on entry to whānau/family so they can enjoy Kāpiti Coast's nature and wildlife experiences
Waikanae, Wellington
Help a family enjoy Ngā Manu Nature Reserve this summer by donating the price of a family annual membership or family day pass. Ngā Manu is working with Manaaki Kāpiti to ensure a deserving family can enjoy Kapiti Coast’s nature and wildlife experiences, so that families may be able to enjoy the reserve this summer.
The Ngā Manu Trust is a not-for-profit charity. Since 1974 we have been dedicated to the conservation & preservation of NZ's endangered species. Our Reserve contains a precious remnant forest where visitors can deepen their connection with nature.
Any contribution will be passed on by Ngā Manu in the form of family annual memberships and family day passes.