St Tom's Church EP Fundraiser — Songs for the Road

$10,300 of $10,000 goal
Given by 60 generous donors in 10 days

St Tom's Church is fundraising to record an EP born out of the experiences we've had travelling Aotearoa. We'd love to share them with you.

Newtown, Wellington

Several years ago, a few of us from St Tom's Church began to gather and pray — not with a clear sense of what God was calling us to, but an invitation to just say yes. We took our families (and in many cases, our entire homes!) on the road, trusting that God would prepare the way ahead, and put the wheels on the bus (quite literally). What resulted is a beautiful story of God's work in our own lives, and the lives of others. It turns out that God is doing something quite extraordinary in Aotearoa. He's calling his children home, and revealing his father heart in the most unlikely of places. We've seen it happen.

The purpose of this fundraiser is to collate the songs born out of the experiences we've had over these past few years into an EP. God has already been using them in significant ways, and our hope is that they still have more life, joy, and hope to bring. We're raising money in order to record them professionally, and share them with you.

We'd be so grateful if you'd consider being a part of the project.

Love & blessings

The St Tom's on Wheels crew

About us

We're an eclectic Jesus-centred community with deep roots in our beloved neighbourhood of Newtown. Existing as part of our wider Wellington Anglican whānau, we're passionate about prayer and worship, climate justice, social activism, & honouring Te Tiriti.

Use of funds

The money raised from this campaign will go towards hiring the gear and experts required to record and engineer the music. That's it! Everything else is being done on volunteer time and the smell of an oily rag.

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Recording completed  17 August 2024

Kia ora koutou!

We just thought we'd provide a wee update to all our lovely supporters that as of last weekend, we have just completed the next step in the process — recording! Over the course of two days, we were hosted by Ngatiawa River Monastery who graciously offered us the use of their Chapel of Tarore as a space of prayer and worship.

It was such a significant time full of joy and worship and God's presence was so tangible in that space. So thank you for all your prayers!

We can't wait to share these songs with you. The timeline we are currently working towards for releasing the EP is the end of the year, sometime in December.

Until then, ngā mihi nui!

The St Tom’s on Wheels crew

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Latest donations

Crawshaw's on 20 Jul 2024
Love this so much! Go team.
Swaff on 20 Jul 2024
Great project
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Jul 2024
T&T on 20 Jul 2024
Love your work!
$170 matched
Wyatt Family
Wyatt Family on 20 Jul 2024
$50 matched

Who's involved?

St Tom’s Church – Parish of Wellington South's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, St Tom’s Church – Parish of Wellington South (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 10 Jul 2024 and ended on 20 Jul 2024.