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St Tom's Church EP Fundraiser — Songs for the Road

  • Recording completed

      17 August 2024
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    Kia ora koutou!

    We just thought we'd provide a wee update to all our lovely supporters that as of last weekend, we have just completed the next step in the process — recording! Over the course of two days, we were hosted by Ngatiawa River Monastery who graciously offered us the use of their Chapel of Tarore as a space of prayer and worship.

    It was such a significant time full of joy and worship and God's presence was so tangible in that space. So thank you for all your prayers!

    We can't wait to share these songs with you. The timeline we are currently working towards for releasing the EP is the end of the year, sometime in December.

    Until then, ngā mihi nui!

    The St Tom’s on Wheels crew

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  • Project successfully funded

      20 July 2024

    Kia ora koutou,

    With your help, we did it! And we are absolutely blown away by your generosity. Thank you!

    The project is now successfully funded, so we have just edited the campaign deadline to finish tonight, Saturday 20 July. If you would like to continue supporting us in other ways, we would love prayer for:

    • Discernment, wisdom, inspiration and fun as we finalise music arrangements.

    • For a spirit of worship throughout the preparation, recording and production.

    • For God's protection over the project and everyone involved.

    • For the work that God will do through these songs.

    We can't wait to share them with you!

    Ngā mihi nui,

    The St Tom's on Wheels crew

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