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Space Bass

$0 donated
Started 2 years ago

Relief fund for Hawkes Bay arts and music community after Cyclone Gabrielle.

Hastings, Hawke's Bay

After the devastating aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle there is a massive need for resources and support within our local arts and music communities in Hawkes Bay. On Monday 13th February the region was hit with catastrophic rain and wind as the cyclone hit, and so many of our community are currently homeless and without essential items. We have set up an emergency place for people to rest their head, shower, eat and re-connect with their community at Spaceship in Hastings. We have received donations of clothing, bedding and food, however the need is great and the length of time this service will be needed currently unknown. There are a collective of arts and music community representatives involved in coordinating the efforts and distribution of all donations.

Gina Linnell's involvement (page creator)

I am a local representative within the music and art community in Hawkes Bay.

Use of funds

We need to purchase more food, water, beds, pillows and make up toiletry essential care packages for those that have accommodation but are in need of the essentials. Part of funds raised will go towards utility costs to keep the centre running.

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Who's involved?

Gina Linnell's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Gina Linnell on behalf of For the local arts community in Hawkes Bay affected by Cyclone Gabrielle

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This campaign started on 16 Feb 2023 and ended on 16 Mar 2023.